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LAB sees a need for a general strike to claim a “socioeconomic framework of its own” in the Basque Country

  • LAB considers that the reforms coming from the Government of Spain are the way to "legalize precariousness". Guaranteeing the decision-making capacity of Euskal Herria is the way forward and will pose the general strike as an “offensive” to achieve it. In a strike that has no concrete date at the moment, they will call for the abolition of labour reforms and for the minimum wage to be increased to EUR 1,400.
Garbiñe Aranburu LABeko idazkari nagusia Bilbon egindako agerraldian. Argazkia: LAB

02 September 2021 - 09:21
Last updated: 11:29

The LAB trade union has called for a general strike called by the trade unions at a hearing in Bilbao. The secretary general of the PSE-EE, Garbiñe Aranburu, has stated that unemployment must be "from the Basque Country and for the Basque Country". Faced with the cuts implemented by the Spanish Government, Aranburu underlined the need to build a "proper socio-economic framework" in the Basque Country. To cope with precariousness, “this transition is necessarily linked to the path from autonomism to sovereignty”, and to claim it they want to use the general strike as “offensive”.

A specific date has not yet been set, but no later than that, unemployment would have to be summoned in the winter. LAB announced in May its intention to convene a general strike, and the Pensioners' Movement and ELA announced that they would join it. The agents will meet on strike with four concrete objectives: to confront the employers and say that they will not accept the precarization; to “pressure” the Spanish Government and demand the end of the labor and pension reforms; to promote the exercise of the powers of the autonomous governments; and to claim “an own and sovereign space” in Euskal Herria, in Labor Relations and Social Protection.

In recent months, the union has developed a new socio-economic programme, with members and trade union and social agents, aimed at trade unions. Although it will be presented in its entirety in the coming weeks, specific demands made during the strike have already been made. In addition to the repeal of the labour reforms of 2010 and 2012, the Basque Government will talk about the inter-branch minimum wage and pensions. The aim is to raise the minimum wage to EUR 1,400 (60% of the average wage), while pensions will be given a different proposal than the increase in the CPI.

Criticism of Madrid

LAB considers that the strike is a step that must be taken in the face of the lack of intervention by the Madrid agents. The decisions taken so far have not improved the situation; indeed, they have been the way to “legalize precariousness” and have served to “centralize and weaken” collective bargaining. The structure of the Social Dialogue Bureau has made it possible: “Year after year, reform after reform, this table has given legal guarantees to precariousness.” For their part, the UGT and CCOO unions have also denounced the low social pressure they have exerted in the Basque Country.

The electricity crisis

For its part, the solution proposed by the Spanish Government “is limited to transferring public money to private hands”. This is clearly reflected in the electricity crisis that is taking place at state level. As this is a fundamental right, strategic sectors such as energy should be ensured through public ownership and control, limiting the decision-making capacity of private companies.

But in the absence of competence, that cannot be changed from Euskal Herria. LAB wants to demand in the next strike the assumption of competences and legislative capacity in key areas such as employment, pensions or social protection in order to channel the solution.

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