UPN grants the license to Lab. Once the decisions of the Administrative Tribunal of Navarra have been ignored, Lava has been authorized to install a terrace in the Plaza del Castillo, once the process has been extended for a month. They report this morning that the Councillor for Citizen Security, Javier Labairu, has signed the authorization and has put an end to a long controversy.
Laba's colleague, Iker Tubia, has shown his satisfaction. "This morning the portal of our site was empty and then we received permission," explains Tubia. "We will try to assemble the terrace as soon as possible," he adds. However, he acknowledges that "there was no excuse for lengthening the process."
On 1 August, the Director General of Local Administration and Depopulation signed Resolution 283/2023, in subsidiary implementation of the agreement of the Administrative Tribunal of Navarra of October 2022. It stated that the Laba Association was granted permission to have a terrace. As soon as the resolution was known, Windsor Bar appealed, but in early September it was rejected by the Director General of Local Administration. They received it on 4 September and believed that "in the light of the situation there was no alternative but to comply with the resolution", but that has not been the case. Finally, the City Council’s amendment was implemented on 13 September. And today Lava learns that activities can be carried out not only inside but also outside. "We wanted to offer a new space to the Basques in the Pamplona Act Hall," Tubia said, and they have succeeded. They have taken the plaza and it will be "another place for the Basques" in Pamplona.
This issue has removed members from the oven "energy and time". But in the end, the law has been complied with at once, and before afternoon they will open the terrace and continue to work hard on the project.
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