An agent of the Amurrio Municipal Police has raised powders in the last week of October on their social networks. Otsemeak Neska* Gazte Taldea reported what happened: a municipal police officer shared on his public account Instagram a video of the Navarre tiktoker Adrian Camacho, which referred to female costumes in the context of Halloween celebrations.
The girl* Gazte Taldea described the act of aggression and stressed that it was not an isolated case. “It is not an isolated case, in Amurrio in recent months we would say that the positions of local police are far from feminist attitudes,” explained in the note that it was made public to denounce the attack.
The feminist group announced that it would demand action from the City Hall, and it did so when it had the opportunity to meet with the local government. The members of the feminist group have also explained to Aiaraldea Komunikabideak that the City Hall has made no effort to contact the Otsemeak group it has put on the desk. In contrast, the opening of the feminist group has allowed the two sides to unite.
The staff of the City of Amurrio also raised the need to take action in this situation. The LAB trade union has made an effort to publish a “common and constructive position” with the other sections with trade union representation, but, according to the trade union sources to Aiaraldea Komunikabideak, it was not possible.
It should be recalled that the City of Amurrio recently held union elections. The ESAN trade union, the corporate union of the Ertzaintza, also obtained a representative. ELA received the fifth representative.
The LAB trade union has made an effort to make public a “joint and constructive attitude” with the other sections with trade union representation, but, according to trade union sources, it has not been possible
LAB publishes a warning to report what happened recently with the Municipal Guard: "Especially we find it a serious fact that the authorities responsible for citizen security disseminate the contents received by the Machian aggressions, bearing in mind that women who suffer these Machian aggressions must then go to ask for protection," they stress.
The Abertzale syndicate also recalls that every public employee has an obligation to treat citizens with respect, regardless of their origin: sex, language, race, origin, class or functional diversity.
Moreover, they also stress that all the workers of the City of Amurrio have signed the code of ethics and attitudes. “These protocols must work with the participation of workers to disseminate the contents, carry out awareness-raising work and properly implement this protocol. Politicians, municipal workers, and especially local policemen, must ensure that Amurrio is a people free from sexist aggression and without any discrimination,” LAB said.
With the declaration signed by the municipal political groups and despite the fact that the training measure of the local police is essential, LAB considers that these measures are not enough and calls for timely, periodic and permanent training. Finally, the union has also considered it necessary to reflect on the evolution of the Municipal Guard so far and what should be in the future.
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