The Citizen Care Network of Donostia has requested the opening of the hostel La Sirena de Donostia. On Thursday afternoon a concentration was held in front of the city hall to “denounce the attitude of the municipal government” and request the opening of the hostel. The movement has pointed out that in Donostia there are more than 300 people without shelter and has denounced that the City Hall keeps the La Sirena hostel closed, although it has capacity for 100 people.
Garazi Montuschi, a member of the Reception Network, has pointed out that the situation of those who live in San Sebastian without shelter is “very harsh”: “These people have been doing so all year round, but now, with cold and rain, the situation is much harder”.
Montuschi points out that the Host Network began to request the opening of The Mermaid three years ago. Faced with the refusal so far, he denounces the “ambiguity” of the criteria of the City of San Sebastian: “The City of Donostia-San Sebastián has decided to open only in case of risk of freezing. So, since mid-November, this 100-seat shelter has been closed. In other municipalities, devices are already in place to deal with this situation and these hostels are open. Keeping The Mermaid closed in this situation is inhumane.”
The Reception Network calls for “political will” and together with them SOS Racism and other institutions have asked the Council of Gipuzkoa and the Government of Lakua to “implement comprehensive solutions”.
Larunbatean, hilak 12, Bidasoa ibaia zeharkatzen saiatu ziren hiru migrante. Haietako bik Biriatura heltzea lortu zuten, baina hirugarrena desagertu egin zen. Hura bilatzeko lanek jarraitzen dutenean, Irungo Harrera Sareak elkarretaratzea deitu du astelehenerako, 18:30ean... [+]
Frantziako Poliziak atxiki zuen ostiralean, Gipuzkoa eta Lapurdi arteko muga zeharkatu zuten bost etorkin furgoneta batean hartu eta gero. Bidarten geldiarazi zuten ibilgailua: migratzaileak Irunera itzularazi zituzten eta gidaria Hendaiako komisarian eduki zuten hurrengo... [+]
Irungo Harrera Sareak 2021ko bilana plazaratu berri du. Orotara 4.601 migranteri harrera egin diete.