In recent months, a rumor has been confirmed that ran from mouth to mouth: The La Polla group will be watching live again in 2019. Hala Bedi Irratia has confirmed the band's return and is already public, as they have also created his Facebook and Twitter accounts.
In the first message published on these social networks are the three participants of La Polla and the following phrase in Spanish: “And I, who was dead, rose up. The last battle awaits me.”
The photo shows the three members who have played home in La Polla: Manolo García “Sume” (guitar), Evaristo Páramos (voice) and Abel Murua (bass).
Along with them will be the other two members of the last training the group had, the drums “Tripi” and the guitar “Txiki”.
The Salvatierra group plans to hold two tours at the end of the year, one in the Spanish State and the other in southern America. In addition to the concerts that will be offered in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia, this first tour also includes an appointment in the Basque Country, in Bilbao.
Information on this return will be expanded in the coming weeks. Although it has not yet been confirmed, it will be possible to speak at a press conference on 13 March to give further details on this matter.
In 2003 La Polla stopped playing, after being one of the most representative bands of the punk scene of Euskal Herria since 1979.
The La Polla Records group has announced its return. Entering the Internet I have learned that in the 84 he got the first studio album (Salve) and in the 85 the second (Revolution). I remember that, although I had not yet reached adolescence, I listened to the songs of the... [+]
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Berri Txarrak taldeak bere webgunean erantzun dio Aragoiko PPren zentsura saiakerari.
Elena Lopez Aguirre Gasteizko kazetari beteranoak musika bete-betean bizi izan duten Euskal Herriko 25 emakumeren bizipenak jaso ditu Neskatxa maite. 25 mujeres que la música vasca no debería de olvidar (Ediciones Aianai / Baga-Biga) liburuan. Batzuk besteak baino... [+]
Jul Bolinaga RIP musika taldeko kideari "lagun eta musikari moduan" omentzeko jaialdi handia egingo dute Arrasateko Monterron parkean ekainaren 27an.
Ez dakit zertarako nekatzen garen iritzi, analisi eta interpretazio berriak idazten Sestaoko alkatearen adierazpen arrazisten harira, kasu honentzat beren beregi sortua dirudien La Pollaren La solución final eskura edukita.