They demand that the La Cumbre building in San Sebastián, where Lasa and Zabala were kidnapped and tortured, be transformed into a place of historical memory. Although the palace owned by the Spanish State was due to be ceded to the City Council of San Sebastián in 2023, it has been reported that the procedure has not yet been carried out.
This Monday the memorialist associations presented to the members of the Board the project of adaptation of La Cumbre as a place of memory in the General Assemblies of Gipuzkoa. The proposal has laid the foundations for future uses of the site by family members, Aranzadi, Egiari Zor, Argorz, the Mikel Zabalza People’s Initiative and the Rewriting Association. They demand the application of the Law of Historical Memory, approved in 2022, which approved the transformation of the building into a space for the preservation and dissemination of democratic memory.
In 1983, the LAG tortured the two Tolossians in a palace in Aiete. Although the space has been in the hands of the Spanish Government, on October 19, 2022 the Law of Democratic Memory was approved, and both La Cumbre and the fortress of Ezkaba were recognized as places of memory. Although the law was passed, the memorialist associations denounce that the mandate has not yet been established.
This proposal includes the creation of a permanent exhibition on repression during the Franco regime and the transition, a pedagogy and outreach service, a website, a space for investigation of unresolved cases and a space for psycho-social accompaniment, among others.
The presentation was attended by family members Asun Lasa and Pili Zabala, and Javi Buces, researcher at the Aranzadi Science Society. In the early stages of the building, the City Council of Donostia-San Sebastián is asked to leave it. Zabala points out that she does not understand why there is “so much resistance” to fulfill a mandate that is written in a law. The decision should be implemented one year after the adoption of the law, which is in October 2023.
The meeting was held after the presentation of the draft resolution. Luis Barigarrementeria of EH Bil has joined the proposal of the memoralist associations and pointed out that the cession must be made "as soon as possible" because this will be the "starting point".
Ianko Gamboa of the PNV has also made reference to the need to establish the cession. He points out that La Cumbre should be a place of collective memory, but that the focus should be on the kidnapping, torture and murder of Lasa and Zabala, according to Berria.
Jorge Mota, councillor of the City Council of San Sebastián, has received the PP delegation. He is the brother of Ángel Jesús Mota, a former prison official at Martutene, who was shot in the head by ETA in 1990. He explains that the victims of ETA must also be recognized and that they should also have a place in La Cumbre.
1976ko martxoaren 3an, Gasteizen, Poliziak ehunka tiro egin zituen asanbladan bildutako jendetzaren aurka, zabalduz eta erradikalizatuz zihoan greba mugimendua odoletan ito nahian. Bost langile hil zituzten, baina “egun hartan hildakoak gehiago ez izatea ia miraria... [+]
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Tafallan, nekazal giroko etxe batean sortu zen 1951. urtean. “Neolitikoan bezala bizi ginen, animaliez eta soroez inguratuta”. Nerabe zelarik, 'Luzuriaga’ lantegian hasi zen lanean. Bertan, hogei urtez aritu zen. Lantegian ekintzaile sindikala izan zen;... [+]
Eraispenaren aldeko elkarteek manifestazioa antolatu dute larunbatean Iruñean. Irrintzi Plazan manifestazioaren deitzailea den Koldo Amatriarekin hitz egin dugu.