As of January 15, 80% of Kutxabank’s private customers, more than a million people, will have free maintenance on Visa Dual accounts and cards and will be able to make online transfers and national checks tickets at no cost. The Bank has reported that this new model “simplifies the catalogue of viewed accounts” and “adapts the profile of gratuity to the minimum conditions of linkage”.
Commissions shall be deducted from all young people under the age of 30 without any requirement. They will be allowed access to free accounts and cards as well as all credit corner cards. In the case of those over 30 years of age, it will be enough to have their payroll domiciled until 34 years of age. Same for people over 65.
Kutxabank customers 35 to 64 years old will get free conditions when they have the Kutxabank home payroll and make five quarterly purchases with any financial institution card.
Abusive advance commissions
Kutxabank has made this last move by its own decision after recovering payments in kind in hiring deposits last December. However, Kutxabank has already been sanctioned on a couple of occasions for the collection of abusive commissions, as El Correo collected, since for a long period of time the bank applied a commission of two euros “for each cash income made by third parties” and “for each standard receivable paid in cash”, among others.
Belen Bilbao mediku eta militante feministaren, Argitan Emakumeentzako Aholku Etxearen eta Skolastika literatur proiektuaren ibilbidea aitortuko dute VII. Zirgari Sariek. Martxoaren 7an egingo da sari banaketa, Bilboko BBK Aretoan.