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Dismisses the Kutxa Bira in Urruña y Segura

  • The journey has ended with the Bizi gira kutxa bira initiative, which began in Argentina on March 20. The box has passed through over a hundred towns of Euskal Herria and the Basque diaspora.

31 May 2021 - 13:10
Seguran kuxa biraren bukaera. Argazkia: Jabi Asurmendi.

The initiative, organized by the North-South Association, was born in the context of the pandemic. As a result of COVID-19, several initiatives related to Euskera, Basque culture and Basque identity were suspended and the Iparra-Hegoa association sought to repair the “emotional disaster” caused by this situation.

The "dream box" has traveled towns and hands by hand. Actors and institutions of all kinds, such as ikastolas, schools, liceos, dance groups, cultural associations, Basque prisoners and dams, sports associations, Euskaltegis, people with intellectual disabilities, farmers, feminists, ecologists, workers, youth, media and institutions, have participated in it.

The organizers have pointed out that expectations have been exceeded and that this shows that "citizenship was more thirsty than I thought".

The closing events were held on 29 May in Urruña and on 30 May in Segura.


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