For the first time it has chosen to raise awareness of the issue of minority and oppressed languages and to raise awareness. A small bet on sharing the realities, challenges and dreams these speakers live in Berlin. This year, the first evening has been organised for the Basque and the Kurdish people to enter the network. In Sprach, im Widerstand, the gaubela of the Basque and Kurdish languages, or in Kurdish, êvarek ji bo zimanog kurdú baskì.
Kurdua and Vasco are two living and fighting communities in which two language fighters met in Berlin: Ciwan Tengezar and Amaia Orbe Barrio. So last fall, a project flourished to translate a song from Euskera to Kurdish.
Roj, berf, azadfont… in kurdish “First notes of a march” by Laboa
The lap can often be a never-ending trip filled with surprises. This idea, which was launched without taking into account many dates, is an example of this, as it has materialised at the time it needed it. The translation of the song “Martxa baten lehen notak” by Mikel Laboa and Joxean Artze began this journey. And ten years after he shut down the silver voice of the secular singer, Ciwan Tengezar has sung in Kurdish for the first time in Berlin. Curious coincidence, or rather, gem.
The first note of a march was recorded by Laboa in 1980. At that time, the Donostia, although he liked "Internazionala", missed the problem of small peoples and decided to create a simpler march based on the idea of solidarity between peoples and human beings. Laboa made the music of the march and asked Artze to write a text based on that idea. This song was the result. And so, years later, the evening of the first languages of the Kurdish and the Basque language, based on the same idea, has been organised in Berlin. The powerful illustration of the Gaubela poster was created by Lena Pritchard, based on the translation project of the song.
Music as a bridge between languages.
The evening has begun with a bertso written by Nagore Soroa Hernández and then Markel Anasagasti, Lander Majuelo, Jone Bolibar, Mikel Elgezabal and Amaia Orbe have been in charge of setting up the festival with several songs in Basque.
Next, we have seen the realities, the challenges and the dreams that live in Berlin, at a round table moderated by Matthias Hofmann. On the one hand, Nekane Etxaide, born in Euskal Herria, and his daughter Mireia Noriega, born in Berlin, spoke about the general situation of the Basque people, about the dictatorship of Franco, and about initiatives to promote the Basque people in Berlin. On the other hand, Ciwan Tengezar of Iparkurdistan and his son Zervak Tengezar, born in Berlin, have spoken about the importance of the transmission and learning of the mother tongue. On the other hand, they referred to the brutal oppression of the Kurdish people today and pointed out that pressure from the Turkish community is also very present in Berlin. Argia recently interviewed Suna Altuna and the activist explained that the Kurdish is in the "situation in which the Basque Country was in the time of Franco". After the round table, the attendees had the opportunity to learn a little bit of Kurdish and Basque, accompanied by the dynamics, dances and songs prepared by Amaia and Ciwan.
To finish the evening, we were able to enjoy the music of Adar Ensemble. Despite being a group of musicians from different parts of the world, they sing in Kurdish. Still, we have been able to listen for the first time to the songs in Euskera in the presentation of the version “First Notes of a March”. The version of Laboa's song was not the only surprise. The bassist Wester Desamours has enjoyed a special song for the evening and composed in the Criolla language of Haiti, that is, in his mother tongue.
Ziman şoreí. Language is a revolution.
A slice of grated bread was made black and not a penny was taken.
Verso de Nagore Soroa Hernández:
Welcome to Kurdu and
Welcome to Euskera!
Long marches in a small step
It starts.
First encounter, first game,
This first hug.
Take your hand and go
Go on our way!
Simple and invisible
Like beautiful dreams.
We're perfume, jewelry,
Chocolate cake.
We're not great or powerful.
Not Trump or Angela.
We are alive, soaked with joy,
And let them hear us!
Learn, speak, teach,
Cultural action, protest ...
Language maintenance in Berlin
Our objective and concern.
We have met with fraternity
And full of illusion.
We will continue to work tomorrow.
Let the party start now!
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