Azkue also received the "titera-lora" form, the flower of the dánares. The name kuku-praka has beautiful perfume on its side! It's also astounding or astolili, and even febrile weed. In the area of Markina it is also called joane-grass. The name of Azkutai has also been received. Also the xilintxa, because this form of dánsar also reminds the esquilla or the cencerro. Along with the cuckoo trousers it is confused with the cuckoo flower, the red cuckoo flower, the cuckoo leek and even the cuckoo herb; with the latter name it is confused with the gloves of lau-praka and the virgin, and also called lili of signs (Aquilegia vulgaris).
Cuckoo pants are a poisonous plant. Like all poisonous plants, also medicinal herb. The poison depends on the dose, we know. A lower or lower dose than a poison can be medicinal, complementary. That's what happens with the cuckoo pants. Its ingredients have long been known: glycosides, digotixin, gitoxin, digitalin, genins, etc. These components will be retained to a greater extent if they have sun and humidity at the place of residence. It is a wax that always appears in areas exposed to the sun, but which is therefore not heat. It likes wet environments, places where wet air predominates. The concentration of these ingredients, used as drugs, is variable in the leaves of the cuckoo trousers. They are more abundant during the heat insolation on the leaf, then they are destroyed and the plant gives them a new use. In the morning they will have little footprint. At the beginning of the afternoon, the leaves are concentrated, with no damage to the lower and lower parts of the transparent flower, avoiding the oldest and upper lower leaves of the claw. Whenever the first flowers have started to open. Proper drying of these leaves is not a simple task: on hot and dry days they are placed very well on a mesh or in a furnace or stove, never more than 45º of height. It will be picked up in a well closed glass container on a hot, dry day, and will stay away from the light and moisture that you loved so much when you lived.
At present, these trouser drugs are produced in the laboratory and doses can be perfectly measured and tested. However, at one time the richness of these plant components was not exactly known, so it should be applied to the person determined with the culling doses to the red wild frog or to the cat.
Try the kukuku-praka with the ones read here, not even get worse. Complementary doses are close to toxic and lethal. Its main influence is exercised in the heart, so you know, forget yourself and enjoy the elegance of its flowering.
Administrazio Epaitegiak arrazoia eman dio EH Bilduk Lizarrako plantilla organikoaren hizkutnz profilen aurka jarritako helegiteari.
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