The new Family Code takes account of same-sex marriage, the possibility of adoption by the same sex and the possibility of the public health system offering assisted reproduction. Some have pointed out that taking the rights to the vote is a mark (see Axier Lopez’s analysis: homosexuals, another toy from the Catholic Church).
The new Family Code approves surrogate pregnancy: It is called "supportive pregnancy" and will be legal for those who cannot become pregnant: for those who suffer from a disease, for those who wish to have a single father or for those who wish to be parents of two men. Women who become pregnant should be close to future parents and should not be subject to economic exchange, "except for the costs of pregnancy".
Until now, women over the age of 14 and men over the age of 16 could marry in Cuba. From now on they will have no choice until they are 18.
The epic is built on the lives of many men and knowing that makes society more mature.” The writer Bibiana Candia is right. In Azucre (Pepitas de Calabaza, 2021) we are told the tragedy of the enslaved Galician migrants of the 19th century, but that story would have been... [+]
AEBetako Defentsarako Inteligentzia Agentzian analista lana egiten zuen, eta hainbat informazio sekretu helarazi zizkion Kubako Gobernuari 1984tik aurrera. 2001ean atzeman zuen FBIk, eta 25 urteko espetxe zigorra ezarri zion. Bere aurkako 2002ko epaiketan egin bezala, orain... [+]