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Cuba needs syringes to distribute its vaccines in the final phase

  • Cuba has the Soberana 2 and Abdala vaccines in their final phase and a major clinical trial with clinical vaccines is scheduled to take place in May. To do so, they need syringes and needles, and Cuba has called for international solidarity to help them buy on the market.

The Director of Science and Innovation of the Cuban Ministry of Health, Ilana Morales, has announced that in June the trials of the vaccines Soberana 2 and Abdala.El the Government of the island promised the world that it would open the patents and Soberana 2, this week, has begun to test them in Iran, in a phase 3 trial, with 24,000 patients.

These two vaccines are in their final phase and in May they want to do a large clinical trial in La Habana.Soberana 2 started the tests on March 4 in Havana and in the third phase involved 44,000 volunteers. Abdala, for its part, has received 48,000 volunteers in Santiago de Compostela, Granma and Guantánamo, among others. In August, more than half of the population is expected to be immunized, which would be reinforced by current clinical trials.

Morales has pointed out that Cuba has problems with this, as it has to buy the syringes to carry out its vaccination plan and as a page to do so. Cuba has called for international solidarity to help buy in the international market. Two million euros have been sent from Canada and campaigns are being carried out in Europe to purchase ten million euros.Se needles 25 million syringes to integrate the entire population of Cuba and it seems that the campaign has started with force.

The Sodepaz association has proposed to the organizations, parties and other organizations of the State Solidarity Movement with Cuba to participate in this campaign under the motto The Blockades kill your solidarity gives life. In the case of Euskal Herria, Sodepaz and the Euskadi-Cuba association are working to send one million syringes from the Spanish State.


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