Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

5,000 teachers from Kristau Eskola and AICE-IZEA have gone on strike, according to ELA

  • The ELA, Steilas, CCOO, LAB and UGT trade unions call to stand from 17 to 19 October. On the first day, the ELA representative, Miren Zubizarreta, said it had a "very broad follow-up" of 70%. The unions call on employers to negotiate for a new convention, and if there is no result, they will do another five days of strike in December.

17 October 2023 - 10:51
Kristau Eskolako eta AICE-IZEAko irakasleek hiru greba egun dituzte aste honetan. / Argazkia: ELA sindikatua.

The strike affects 130,000 students from 200 schools in Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. The trade union majority has convened 9,000 teachers from the Christian School and the Autonomous Association of Educational Centers AICE-IZEA, and on the first day has had "very broad 70% of the workforce", according to the representative of ELA, Miren Zubizarreta. The ELA, Steilas, CCOO, LAB and UGT trade unions call on employers in social initiative schools (except Ikastolen Elkartea) to negotiate a new convention.

Strike days have been organised from 17 to 19 October, all from 11:00 a.m.: Tuesday was held in Bilbao and Zubizarreta reported that about 5,000 teachers joined the protest. The demonstration will take place on Wednesday in Vitoria-Gasteiz, starting from Egibide (Plaza Bilbao) and on Thursday in Donostia, from Aldapeta Maria School.

The follow-up was broader than the strike day of 25 April, according to Zubizarreta: "This shows that concerns and staff problems are real." It urges employers to "as soon as possible" the new convention, and also urges the Basque Government to "actively participate" in the solution of this labour dispute, "which is also the last person responsible for the staff of this educational network".

The unions have denounced the "immobilism" of the employers, and if negotiations are not resumed after these stoppages, they have called another five days of strike, from 11 to 15 December. Negotiations started in May 2022, but the last meeting was held on 2 February 2023, and since then they have not advanced. On 25 April these concerted centres were also on strike.

Wage increase CPI

The majority of trade unions have called for a new labour agreement to deal with precariousness and ensure the quality of education. Among the measures requested are the alleviation of the workload and the increase of the time of direct and adequate attention to each student, the consolidation and maintenance of jobs, the improvement of conditions in the Vocational Training centers and the implementation of plans for Basque and equality in all centers.

The trade unions call in the agreement for a wage increase based on the increase in CPI: “The Christian School and AICE-IZEA have kept the salary frozen since 2020, with an increase in CPI of 15.8% and a spectacular increase in life. Negotiation is the solution!” they claim. It should also be remembered that the last agreement was signed with the employers after a long working conflict, with 29 days of strike in the three courses.

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