Global groups such as Fridays for Future or the Climate Alliance have announced action next Friday to end the coronavirus health crisis with a solution that takes into account climate, people and social justice.
In particular, they propose to make light projections on the balconies of the houses and denounce through sounds and shadows what the ground is suffering: "Humanity is facing a climate emergency that has never been seen, and that requires responsibility to protect life first," they explained, according to the digital journal
It is a global action, the Global Strike for Climate movement, which aims to generate reflection on the networks and lay the foundations for the strongest mobilisations and actions that will take place from now on.
Eskoziako Lur Garaietara otsoak itzularazteak basoak bere onera ekartzen lagunduko lukeela adierazi dute Leeds unibertsitateko ikertzaileek.. Horrek, era berean, klima-larrialdiari aurre egiteko balioko lukeela baieztatu dute, basoek atmosferako karbono-dioxidoa xurgatuko... [+]
There was no one or all. That we all suffer at least if the necessary changes are not made so that no one suffers the climate emergency. You – reader – I – Jenofá-, they – poor – and they – rich. The fires in Los Angeles did not give me satisfaction, but a sense of... [+]