Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Ipar Euskal Herria is in crisis for lack of water

  • Drought measures have been tightened in 95 localities, including time constraints for the irrigation of orchards and source closures. The anti-desiccation commission set up in the department of Atlantic Pyrenees has opened a message in favour of responsible water use.
Makilako golf zelaia, Basusarri. Argazkia:

26 August 2022 - 12:38

It has rained in mid-August, which has led to an improvement in the situation. For example, they have managed to extinguish the fire in the Gironde area, according to Naiz, since 12 July it has been on and has burned 7,000 hectares. On 29 July they said they were under control and on 25 August they said they managed to shut down. But drought persists and measures such as 95 localities in the Northern Basque Country have been tightened to combat it.

Mediabask has taken action to address the crisis level: irrigation of orchards is prohibited from 08:00 in the morning until 20:00 in the afternoon. In addition, irrigation of gardens, green areas and private golf courses is prohibited at all times. Sports and golf courses can be watered twice a week, between 22:00 and 06:00 in the morning. The cleaning of work vehicles is prohibited, except for health reasons, and private cars can only be cleaned in areas where water is reused. Private pools and city sources cannot be filled. Except for safety or health reasons, cleaning of the facades and roofs of the houses is not permitted.

In addition to these measures, it is forbidden to take water from the Errobi and Aturri rivers, whose flow is essential to guarantee the water supply.


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