At home, in a single week, my former client cost me three or four euros with the card, and the repetition led me to overcome shame and lengthen the question: "Dora Forgiveness, can I ask you a question? "Yes, of course, tell me"; "I am surprised by the number of people who pay you with the card, even for the smallest ones"; "Yes, people already used it before, but at the beginning of the pandemic usage grew enormously, and once it is finished it has become customary"; "Surely the question is naïve, but I think the bank also has a percentage when it is too little money? "; he confirmed to me smiling that the question was naïve; "Yes, and at least we negotiated and managed to reduce the usual percentage a little"; "If not daring, how much money does the card payments bank take a month? "; "About 100 euros"; "Every month! ? "Monthly."
"If it's not an awkwardness, how much money does the card payments bank take a month? "; "About 100 euros"; "Every month! ? "Monthly." (interview with the Fruit Tower)
Every day Dora walked around at 4 a.m. to go to the wholesale market, selected fruit and returned to bed for a while to give morning and afternoon fruit. The fruit chosen by Dora was later received from the market by her partner and business partner, Miguel, to later go to the fruit store. All this sweat was given by the bank that banded them of money, for only EUR 100 per month by card.
Last July, Dora and Miguel left the fruit plant to dream the project of planting and living a vegetable garden in Asturias, the town of Miguel. By making a rapid calculation of the months from the start of the pandemic to July (39) – and regardless of what had been previously reported – would have a saving of EUR 3,900 to start their project if citizens had used cash.
When you pay Dora the fruit, the Hakimi bread or the Mikeli pot (change the names and products for your neighbors), let us not be accomplices of this banpirization.
Turn left by the door of my portal and in the first 100 meters there are five small businesses: Tower fruit, two bars, barbershop and bakery. Taking as a reference the amounts of fruit, each month the bank vibrates 500 euros to the neighbors in a space of 100 meters, 19,500 since the pandemic. The banks that have earned 164,774 million euros in Spain in the period 2008-2022, 37,00 ejectors in the same period, 9,351 closed offices and 120,000 million euros of public money.
Never choose between cards, as devices to increase consumption through credit and further increase consumerism by analyzing consumption habits data. But, at least, by paying Dora the fruit, the Hakimi bread or the Mikeli pot (changing names and products for those of your house), let us not be accomplices of that banpyrization.
(PD: This week you go to the city council to pay a course and not with cash, necessarily with card, in a public institution: look, self-assessment)
(** In the first version of this article I indicated that Dora replied "almost 300 euros" asking about the amount the bank was carrying by the card payment commission. He told me that. Once published, I was warned that the amount could not be correct. I can't talk to the tower, and after being with the person who today bears the fruit and trying to correct the supposed error, I've decided to considerably reduce the amount I give -- but keep the item, understanding that the amount has the same value.
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