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Germán Rodríguez's tombstone is dressed in red carnations

  • In Pamplona/Iruña, Germán Rodríguez and Joseba Barandiaran have been honoured and congratulated for their work in favour of the workers’ movement. They have also shown their solidarity with Palestine, in the annual meeting of the sanfermines in Pamplona/Iruña.

08 July 2024 - 15:19
Last updated: 17:41
Fermin Balentzia oholtzan. Olaia L. Garaialde.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

In order to prevent the red carnation from wilting "never", Germán Rodríguez and Joseba Barandiaran have been honored on Roncesvalles Street in Pamplona. It has been 46 years since 8 July 1978, when the National Police opened fire in the bullring and later, in the street riots, killed Rodríguez. Three days later, Barandiaran was killed in Donostia-San Sebastián, in protest at the murder of Rodríguez at the hands of his partners. They ask for truth, justice and reparation.

As five years ago, a complaint has been filed in the courts this year to investigate the 1978 event. “The Parliament of Navarra and the City of Pamplona have approved a motion to recognize that the events of the Sanfermines of 78 are crimes against humanity committed by Franco during the Transition.” Thus, Article 2 of the Spanish Democratic Memory Act states that crimes against humanity are imprescriptible. That would be the way to overcome the 1977 amnesty law, according to the promoters.

They have also reminded the group’s founder, Presa Zubilwaukee, and they have shown their solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Rodríguez has been honored among aurresku, bertsos and songs. The aurresku has been danced by Irene Arauko, and Josu Sarasate and Mikel Legorburu, the three wounded in the sanfermines of 78, respectively, have sounded. In addition, rapper Mikel Lasarte and rapper La Furia have also participated in the event.

The importance of memory

This year it was the members of the Youth Movement of the Old Party who paid tribute to Rodríguez. They have stressed that it is “essential” to build a memory that claims “its people, its heroes, the real ones, its classes and those of its people” so that it does not remain in the past: “We want today’s and tomorrow’s generations, beyond the neighborhood and the neighborhood, to meet people like you and be proud of you.”

They have highlighted Rodríguez's contribution since the anti-Franco regime and the labor movement: “With your life you paid for the wishes of so many expropriated.” In addition, they recalled that the streets and squares of Pamplona have changed "a lot" and have remembered the book El espacio de la fiesta y subversion (The place of the party and the subversion): “What you helped explain in the book is the step towards an incipient turistification. The neighborhood’s shops are now betting houses.”

The young people referred to the wall built this year in tribute to Rodríguez: “The walls and cantons continue to reclaim your memory and your dreams from this trail to the wall of Deskalzos Street.”

Long live Germán! The event has ended with cries and applause, and with the performance of the musician Fermin Balentzia singing the Memorial: “Condemned without punishment, when the people of justice? You are a red carnation that has flourished in our heart.”


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