In these years, they have begun to expand what was originally home production and have made it an important activity. “Even if it’s done for home, more and more people were asking us for soaps and more and more people had been asking,” he explains. The sale of their products originally raised doubts, since it was not an intention, but in view of the demand and the existing interest, they decided to take a step more recently: “Although I still have another job, over time we intend to live from this, that is my mother’s dream and also mine.”
The process of making soaps and shampoos is carried out in an artisanal way. However, a small worker and a place to dry the products have recently been prepared. “Soap takes 40 days to dry. Shampoos dry from day to day, it’s an easier process.”
In Izpiliku cosmetics they work with natural products and try to get the ingredients they use to make soaps and shampoos. “We have a garden at home, and my mother has known the world of herbs for a long time: calendulum, lavender… as far as possible we use homemade plants making oilseeds,” says Lizarribar. They also have to do with small shops nearby that buy oils in the Abaltzisketa store in exchange for soaps and shampoos. “We also have a lot to do with those of the Balerdipe Bees project, which we take wax, honey, pollen, etc., which also sell our stuff.”
To prevent the use of plastic, Izpiliku members decided to manufacture all cosmetic products in solid form: “There seems to be more and more, but when I did a market study, I went to look for a solid shampoo in San Sebastian, and it was very difficult to find it.” Compared to the food awareness that is taking place, Lizarribar sees a step back in the cosmetics world, but observes that little by little changes are taking place in it: “There are more and more problems with the skin, and I would say that there is also a need and an awareness there.”
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