The communiqué is signed by the two branches that make up the front: The Union of Combatants (FLNC-UC) and the FLNC. After years without appearing, when the two sides of the front left arms in 2014 and 2016 respectively, they appeared in the media before the presidential elections. They have now made their reading public with a video and a statement in which they have actively participated.
"We believe that we are facing the emergence of a new clan," they say from the front, who has denied it to occur. The newly appointed President of Corsica, Gilles Simeoni, has used "the same means as his predecessors" to increase his control and has become a subject of the French State, according to the armed militants. The FLNC has denounced that the principles of the struggle for national liberation have been forgotten and that Corsica is in France’s new ‘kredo’. Examples of this are the “complimentary colonial visits” of ministers arriving on the island from Paris.
The Liberation Front has acted "with discretion" over these years and politicians have said that the silence of the group is a sign that the struggle has been abandoned. For this reason, those who have come to power, showing their "contempt" for Corsica, have considered that they have made "a serious political error". If the French state continues with this policy, the FNLC will take the weapons "with more determination than in the future" and will relaunch "the road to the night of the struggle".
The front line has explained that demilitarisation was carried out with the aim of achieving democracy, but that as long as "state policy" lasts this is not possible. The independentists have not met the objectives they were asked to achieve and have asked the first partners who took the weapons to reorganize themselves: "To the veterans of the struggle, to those who make an easy critique to go underground, we tell them that they are welcome. [Armed Action] Instead. Like before," you know? Lift up the fountain.
The French regional elections were held in June 2021. The coalition of autonomists and independentists Pé à Corsica then achieved 68% of the votes, while Gilles Simeoni was appointed president of the Generalitat. Simeoni is the leader of Femu to Corsica, one of the members of the unit that forms the coalition together with Partitu di a Nacione Corsa and Corsica Libre, among others.
Korsikako legebiltzarkideek ezin dute Korsikako Asanblean korsikeraz hitz egin, Bastiako Auzitegiaren 2023ko epai baten arabera. Ebazpen horri helegitea jarri zion Asanbleak, baina debekua berretsi du orain auzitegi berak. Epaiak tokiko beste hizkuntzei eragiten diela ohartarazi... [+]
Irulegiko Irratiko Sakonean emankizunaren hirugarren saioan Korsikako nazio askapen mugimendua izan dute hizpide, Marseillako presondegian Yvan Colonna FLNC Korsikako Nazio Askapen Fronteko militante eta preso politikoak bizia galdu zuenetik hilabetera.