23. Korrika (2024)
Under the slogan Harro Herri, he will leave Irun on 14 March 2024 and end in Baiona on 24 March. The tests will pay tribute to the Euskaraz initiative.
Song - Harro Herri (Maite Arroitajauregi "Mursego")
22. Korrika (2022)
Under the motto Hitzekin, he left Amurrio and ended in Donostia. Pirritx, Porrotx eta Marimotots were honored and Karmele Jaio read the witness message.
Song - Hitzekin (Ane García, Anari, Nerea)
21. Korrika (2019)
Under the motto Klika, Caro started the edition that would end in Vitoria. The message was written by Maialen Lujanbio and honored with Txillardegi.
Song - Klika (Mad Muasel, Fermin Muguruza and La Furia):
20. Korrika 2017
He left at Otxandio and went to Pamplona under the slogan Bat(z)uk. They praised the founders of the Korrika and Joseba Sarrionandia wrote the witness message.
Song - Zirkorrika (Xabier Zabala and Uxue Alberdi):
19. Korrika 2015
Korrika 2015 started in Urepel (Baja Navarra) and ended in Bilbao. The motto was the Euskera Deputy and the tribute to the Durango Fair.
Song - Denok korrika (Oskorri):
18. Korrika (2013)
Under the motto "Eman euskara elkar", Andoain (Gipuzkoa) travelled to Baiona and dedicated himself to those who studied Euskera.
Song - Bagoz (Esne Beltza):
17. Korrika (2011)
He moved from Treviño (Álava) to Donostia and opened the motto Maitatu, ikasi, ari… Euskalakari. Euskaltzaindia was the honoree.
Song - Pausoz pauso euskalakari (Gose):
16. Korrika (2009)
Welcome to the people we want to live in Basque, it had the slogan and moved from Tudela (Navarra) to Vitoria. Those who have learned and transmitted the Basque Country were offered what until then was the longest Korrika.
Song - Ongi etorri lagun:
15. Korrika (2007)
The Twelfth Korrika went through Karrantza (Bizkaia) to Pamplona, Take the word!, Take the witness!, Take the collaboration!, Take the Basque!, Take the people! opening the refrain. They paid tribute to the Basque women for their work in the transmission of Euskera.
Song - Heldu (Niko Etxart and Drugs):
14. Korrika (2005)
Euskalduniando Euskal Herria, I too! The motto of the exhibition went from Orreaga (Navarra) to Bilbao. They paid tribute to the people who chose Euskaldunization, as well as Euskaltzaina Andolin Eguskitza.
Song - Ni ere (Africa Bibang):
13. Korrika 2003
It started in Maule and ended in Pamplona. With AEK, they chose the motto "A People Working the Future" and praised the Ez Dok Hamairu movement. The Korrika was special because it influenced the closure of Euskaldunon Egunkaria and the Government of Navarra banned the entry of Korrika in Pamplona, although they eventually managed to cancel the ban.
Song - Gero bat gaurdani (Mikel Laboa eta Ruper Ordorika):
12. Korrika (2001)
Under the motto "Un mundo al euskera" moved from Vitoria to Baiona. Tribute to the Association of Bertsolaris of the Basque Country.
Song - Big Beñat (Fermin Muguruza):
11. Korrika (1999)
Eleventh Korrika 1+1=once. You and I had the slogan in Basque and went from Pamplona to San Sebastian. José Angel Iribar, Joxe Ramon Etxebarria, Pedro Miguel Etxenike, Maitena Araguas, Argiñe Iturregi, founders of the ikastola de Laudio, Euskalerria Irratia, company Etxepe, municipality of Arantza, maoptics Mendia and editorial.
Song - 1 and 1 (Joxe Ripiau):
10. Korrika (1997)
In the tenth edition they wanted to remember the first Korrika. For this purpose, the same routes and refrains were chosen. That is, the road from Oñati to Bilbao and Euskal Herria running. lemma.
Song - Euskal Herria Korrika (Gozategi):
9. Korrika (1995)
It started in Donibane Garazi and ended in Vitoria-Gasteiz and opened the slogan Jalgi hadi Euskaraz. Mikel Laboa was the honoree of that year.
Song - Bizi ganoraz (Maixa eta Ixiar, Alex Sardui and Kepa Junkera):
8. Korrika (1993)
He left in Pamplona to head to Bilbao. The motto We all love our people was in Basque and was dedicated to the journalist, historian and writer Martín Ugalde.
Song - Aide Korrika (Tapia y Leturia):
7. Korrika (1991)
Korrika euskara, Euskaraz Euskal Herria traveled Vitoria-Gasteiz to Baiona. Tribute to Remigio, creator of the Korrika witness.
Song (Irigoien Anaiak and Mikel Erramuspe):
6. Korrika (1989)
He made a tour between Pamplona and San Sebastian and the motto chosen was Euskara Korrika and kitto. Tribute to José Miguel de Barandiaran, anthropologist and vascophilous.
Song - Gu AEK gara (Xanti eta Maider):
5. Korrika (1987)
Hendaia (Lapurdi) travelled to Bilbao under the slogan Euskara zeurea and honoured bertsolari and writer Balendin Enbeita.
Song (Oskorri):
4th. Korrika (1985)
From Atharreta (Zuberoa) he moved to Pamplona to spread the motto Un pueblo, una lengua. The honoree was Euskaltzale Piarres Lafitte.
Song (Lontxo Aburuza):
3. Korrika (1983)
It started in Baiona and ended in Bilbao. Stribillo Euskaraz kitto! It was and was dedicated to the poet Gabriel Aresti.
Song (Egan):
2. Korrika (1982)
It was from Pamplona to San Sebastian and AEK, a Basque citizen alternative; Korrika, the response of the people was the slogan chosen in favor of the Basque. Rikardo Arrangi was honoured to fix the error of the previous edition.
Song (Akelarre):
1. Korrika (1980)
It started in Oñati (Gipuzkoa) and ended in Bilbao. The motto of the first Basque Korrika! was. Xabier Peña was a writer and professor. Rikardo Arrangi wrote the witness's message, but it didn't reach the goal.
Song (Xabier Amuriza):
We Basques move our feet behind the witness of Korrika to proclaim that we want to survive as a Basque people in favor of our language, with the aim of the Basque Country we desire.
The tipi-tapa is the first step taken by a migrant person who leaves his homeland in Africa,... [+]
Not more than a year living in Vitoria when I first saw Korrika. It was daylight, I was carrying my daughter in a backpack, and a bunch of speakers around me, and among those friends, Rosa, who is still beside me. About her daughter, what to say, is almost 14 years old, and in... [+]
For eleven days, from 14 to 24 March, the corners of Euskal Herria will run 23 March. Running. Photographs sent by AEK are being collected in this gallery.