On the eve of World Refugee Day, a young man died on the Bidasoa River trying to cross the border. In this sense, SOS Racism and the Irun Reception Network have published their readings. Both groups denounce the unstable situation and the suspension of border controls in Hendaia.
The Reception Network of Irún was the chronicle announced!!!! in the text: “Unfortunately, it can be repeated again, because when they arrive in a Schengen territory they believe that they will not have more difficulties in their migratory career… but that is not the case!” They concern the Schengen area created by the Schengen Convention.
SOS Racism calls on the Basque Government to contact the French Government which is going to leave the elections they have held in France to demand the suspension of these border controls. It also denounces that border controls responsible for the deaths at Bidasoa called on citizens to participate in mobilizations against these policies.
The full texts can be read as follows:
Irun Reception Network:
It was the announced chronicle!! ! !
Once again, on the border with the Bidasoa, the death of a young migrant has tormented us, this time it has been ABZZAN BAS. It's 9. How many do we have to count for the French State to lift these racist controls?
These racist controls have only two consequences:
They increase the suffering of migrants, including these 9 deaths.
Discarded, chorizo, goodies and robbers help to get out with this vulnerable situation.
It must be added, unfortunately, that it can be repeated again, because when they arrive in a Schengen territory they believe that they will not have any more difficulties in the migratory route … but that is not the case! They are faced with a border that should not exist in the centre of Europe! In addition, if we add to them the stress that affects them the reception area of Irun, where every morning “you have 2 nights left”, “you have one night left”, “you can no longer sleep”… it is easy to understand that having to sleep on the street leads them to take risks that can end in the tragedy. We do not know if this has been the case on this occasion, but at the information point that the Irun Reception Network places every morning in the Plaza de San Juan we hear every day the concern about this pressure. I hope that is not the case, because it would be very regrettable to know that we are dealing with such a case.
SOS Racism
Border with Hendaia: lives that don't matter
On the eve of World Refugee Day, a new death hits our consciences. It is the tenth victim of illegal and racist border control. The Autonomous Community of the Basque Country has therefore joined the list of cemeteries of migrants and refugees who sow the policies of the European Union throughout the territory.
SOS Racism has been denouncing these policies for years. He has asked our institutions to take a clear stand with the French Government to remove this border control. There have been some statements on this, but nothing has changed. We are again urging the Basque institutions to come, within the interterritorial institutional framework with Ipar Euskal Herria, that is, in the Aquitaine Euskadi-Navarra Euroregion, to the new government and the new parliamentary majority that will emerge from the elections to be held this Sunday in France, to request the suspension of these border controls.
Lehendakari Urkullu, elected president of the Euroregion in 2020, attended last March the annual assembly of the Euroregion, highlighting the mission, values and ambition for cross-border meeting and development. Well, if among these values is not the life of all the people who pass through our land, without discrimination; if that ambition remains before the gates of Elysée when asking for the suspension of border controls, that Euroregion is not ours, it does not represent us.
Donostia 18/06/2022
SOS Racism Gipuzkoa
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