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The postcoronavirus economy is donut shaped and they want to test it in Amsterdam.

  • Dutch economist Kate Raworth's circular model is looking to break current consumption patterns and cut consumer resources and materials in the Dutch capital by 50%.

16 April 2020 - 07:41
Neurri zehatzak iragarri ditu Amsterdamek kontsumoa erdira murrizteko (ar. Amsterdameko Udala)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Raworth proposes to set aside straight lines up or down GDP and move to a doughnut or doughnut economy. In the central hole would be the basic needs of citizenship: water, food, energy, housing, gender equality. The external void represents the ecological border and in the center is the "welfare".

Deputy Mayor of Amsterdam, Marieke van Doornincke, presented last week a plan designed to enable the city to live fully in the circular economy by 2050. Concrete measures will be taken, products will be promoted for longer periods of time, "material passports" will be drawn up or accommodation will be given an incentive not to feed.

"We live in a system that burns our products, even though they are still valuable materials, because we have only labeled them as trash," explains Van Doorninck in White Whale, taking into account that the materials are limited in the world, that is unforgivable."

In short, they intend to break once and for all with the current consumption model to include the physical limits of the world in the equation of calculation of the economy and wealth after the coronavirus.

This model requires making a "photograph" of the city, first, to detect the needs of the citizens, but also to take into account the ecological impact it would have. In Amsterdam, the problem with housing leasing cannot be solved with more housing, as this would significantly increase CO2 emissions.

Kate Raworth exposes her theory to world leaders at the Davos Forum (photo: Davos Forum)

Raworth is an economist at Oxford University and his models are having a great impact in recent times, not because of his new contributions, but because of his visual and paradigmatic vision of the elements of the circular economy that have spread in recent years.

However, his theory has been more used in the core of capitalism than in the alterglobalist movement, and he was at the Davos Forum giving that curious vision of the donut to the richest in the world.

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