==Death==Koldo Arribilhgh,55, a native of Vitoria-Gasteiz, died of a heart attack on 8 September. The man suffered from aortic stenosis and Osakidetza denied him to undergo a life-or-death operation, claiming that he did not have a "dignified" housing to perform a good postoperative period. The detainee, who lived in an area due to eviction, has denced that the institutions did not offer him any alternative to change the situation and that they let him "die".
The concentration has been convened by the Housing Rights and Social Exclusion Initiative, along with the trade union representation of Osakidetza and the Platform Salud Pública Aurrera. The people gathered yesterday afternoon in the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca criticized that the death of Arribil is due to the “lack of humanity” of the Basque public institutions, to “social classism” and to the scarce resources offered to the poor.
Finally, they have called on the Basque institutions to take steps to ensure that such “painful” cases as the following are not repeated: “We call for the right to health care and the right to decent housing for all people to be guaranteed.”
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