The measures announced below will enter into force on Saturday and will be revised on 11 January. Announces the following measures:
1.- The limits of mobility will be maintained from 22:00 to 06:00 hours. Exception at nights 24 and 31. In both cases, the start time will be delayed until 01:30 a.m.
2.- The perimeter confinement of the CAPV is maintained. The derogations shall be from 23 to 26 December and from 30 December to 2 January.
3. Municipal confinements shall be suspended. The confinement of each historic territory is maintained until 23 December.
4.- The measure of a maximum of six people is maintained. Derogation 24, 25, 31 and 1 January. The maximum number of people who can meet at that time is 10. On the one hand, it is suggested that these 10 people are from two cohabitation units and that they meet always in the most frequent days.
5.- Festivities and Christmas events are suspended. From 21 December onwards, actions involving agglomeration of persons are prohibited. Urkullu has cited some examples: singing groups from Christmas Eve and Kings Eve, New Year's Eve parties, St. Thomas, horseback riding or sports tests like "St. Silveste".
6.- Hospitality and catering activities have been authorized. In the last 14 days it will be applied to municipalities with an incidence rate per 100,000 inhabitants below 500. These hospitality spaces will be able to open their terraces and within they must maintain the capacity in 50%. People should sit around a table, banning bar or standing consumption. In localities with more than 500 incidences, they cannot be opened until the local rate is reduced. On Mondays and Thursdays the municipalities with an incidence of more than 500 per 100,000 inhabitants will be announced.
7.- The hotel will be able to open from 06:00 and close it at 20:00, except the service areas. He has suggested in particular that it should not be burned on the terraces and has pointed out that the mask is compulsory. "Improper use of the mask is a punishable conduct."
8.- Federated sports training is allowed in groups of six. Changing rooms should be used with a 30% capacity and individual showers. Urkullu has quoted the WHO recommendation that the use of a mask will not be mandatory in championships or in situations of intense physical activity, but it will be mandatory in indoor sports and busy urban areas.
9.- The other sports restrictions that will be reviewed on 11 January are maintained.
10.- New regulations for visits to nursing homes will be announced.
They will be included in the decree to be published tomorrow. "The best preventive measure lies in the awareness of each person and in the need to change our life habits. This Christmas is different and something different needs to be done. If we do not change anything, the situation will not improve. Every person is fundamental to overcoming this health crisis," he said.