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The Council calls for “a successful bridge tomorrow” in the face of aggression

  • The Council of Euskalgintza held a cultural event in Pamplona to denounce the judgments against the promotion and normalization of the Basque Country. The demonstration will be held on 4 November in Bilbao.
Artikulu hau egilearen baimenari esker ekarri dugu.

16 October 2023 - 14:30
Kultur eragileak epaitegiaren aurrean, Iruñean. Argazkia: Euskalerria Irratia.

The Heads of City were the members of the Council on 13 October, in a cultural event that has been attended by the culturist of the Region of Pamplona. Duguna Dantza taldea, Arkaitz Miner, Mikel Martinez, Patxo Telleria, Jose Luis Otamendi, Olaia Inziarte, Subai Colina and Ibil Bedi participate.

They met in front of the palace of justice in Pamplona. In fact, in recent times, judgments against a series of measures aimed at the promotion and normalization of the Basque country, which will be ratified on 4 November, have been accentuated by the courts.

Reactionary waves and non-isolated sentences. They denounce the tendency to limit progressive language policy and the violation of fundamental rights, as well as the prevalence of Castilian on the linguistic rights of citizens. This is explained by the President of the Council: “against our lives, against linguistic rights, against linguistic diversity, against social justice and against coexistence.”

Today, although culture has become a vindictive instrument, the Council wants to guarantee and demand the right to express itself in Basque on a daily basis. Dance has given the beginning and end to the act. In fact, the members of Duguna made a sokadantza with the voice of Amets Aranguren. “Maybe it’s better to create a sokadantza and make it a sokadantza by hand, a bridge, not a future, but a prosperous tomorrow.”

On 4 November the Council of Euskalgintza called for the streets of Bilbao to be filled, in the face of attacks on the Basque Country, in the face of aggression.


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