A debate on public procurement and decent wages took place at the Gipuzkoa General Meetings on Wednesday. The urgent proposal by EH Bildu, which subsequently tabled a compromise amendment with the Elkarrekin group to be voted on, required that the Council of Gipuzkoa ensure that the workers of the undertakings awarded public contracts receive a salary of EUR 1,200:
According to EH Juntera Bildu Esti Elduaien, the Charter of European Rights states that the minimum wage must reach 50-60% of the average wage and in the case of Gipuzkoa it is EUR 1,200: “The Deputy has to start from home to take action and become an example of society.”
But the initiative has not come forward and EH Bildu has only been supported by the Elkarrekin group, which supports the proposal. In the words of Eduardo Oliden, juntero of Elkarrekin, “what underlies this debate is how institutions can stop the precarious working conditions that the market leaves in our society”.
The compromise amendment tabled by both groups established the need to set up a monitoring body to monitor compliance with social clauses and a Public Procurement Observatory, among others.
The PNV, the PSE and pp have been against this PSE-EE initiative. The Socialists consider that the proposal "exceeds the competence" of the Member and, on the other hand, "excludes", as it would only affect workers with "privilege" to work in companies with public contracts. The PNV spokesman, for his part, stressed the “management of reality” and the “claim of what we would like” to reject the initiative.
The proposal had 19 votes in favour and 29 against and a general resolution on working conditions was finally adopted, demanding that the Council of Gipuzkoa “continue to develop policies and measures that fall within its competence in favour of decent working conditions and quality employment”.
LANBIDE has launched an anti-fraud campaign in Income Guarantee Income and has created an anonymous whistleblower. Responding to the criticisms received, he said that this mailbox was merely an instrument for ordering complaints and notifications. It does not promote class... [+]