These kinds of reflections, in our humble opinion, are yet another sign of reformism, a constant in their daily lives, and reaffirm an ideological attitude of eclectic mesura. Neither the slightest revolutionary gesture for the gallery, in turn, keeps some members of its social bases in a constant political and ideological schizophrenia.
For some, “revenge” is the practical basis of penitentiary policy with Basque political and family prisoners (and remain very calm), for others, because of the state crisis and the territorial model, they consider “punishment” the behaviour of the occupying states (and they only speak of the Spanish State, once more forgotten of French), that is, the State is not right, so it punishes us.
In this context, Spain is once again living in a situation of generalized crisis and also in an autonomous model. Here we will say that the general crisis in the Spanish State has long been, despite the fact that the degree of decomposition and disintegration is not enough. In any case, the crisis is not the cause of condemnation, but the capitalist and imperialist states, and because Euskal Herria is firmly committed to being free, and today the Basque socialist revolution is the only way to achieve it.
Therefore, make less allusions to the crisis as if it fell from heaven and, simply, more allusions to its origin, to the class struggle and to the continuing crisis of capitalism, today imperialist and monopolistic. Reformists, Social Democrats, bureaucrats, small bourgeoisies and intellectuals of the Spanish, French or Basque regime, etc., make a great effort to conceal the class struggle and, therefore, do not stand on this issue, which is what the EAOE does almost every day.
The EAOE wants to frighten us because it cannot be justified to have lost the courage, the illusion and the desire to fight of those who have avoided the class struggle, have chosen to enter the system, have renounced the independence and socialism of Euskal Herria. They say that without a commitment to sovereignty, there may also be no Basque political prisoners. In other words, as the main political argument, they introduce black into the body.
The EAOE wants to frighten us because it cannot be justified to have lost the courage, the illusion and the desire to fight of those who have avoided the class struggle, have chosen to enter the system, have renounced the independence and socialism of Euskal Herria and have lost the courage, the illusion and the desire to fight
At the same time, there is no talk of independence, and there is talk of sovereignty. They use a trick to change attitude and political line without principles, honest debates and without scams, which leads us to reclaim mockery, categories and bourgeois bases, until we have them fully in mind. Why do some use sovereignty and independence, supposedly, with the same meaning? In the same way, instead of saying Basque political prisoners, they only use “prisoners”, and we have seen and read this in numerous political appearances and articles. This has only one explanation: to create gaps in our political and ideological positions: the closest, the most cordial and the most obvious.
The same happens when we talk about overcoming the last cycle of struggle, that is, of political-military confrontation. Another new trap, because, as is evident, confrontation and confrontation are not the same, even more so if we are talking about political and military struggle. Why is it used in this context? Because they want to end the term confrontation.
This type of “detail” is not insignificant. The repeated use of the term “confrontation” implies rejection of confrontation with occupying and oppressive States, with or without weapons. Reformists, capital and the bourgeoisie in general do not even want to hear about confrontation with the Spanish and French “democracy”, occupying and oppressive.
At the same time, they transmit a set of signals or ideas that seem to be loose. We live in the world of inequalities, imperfect, yes… but talking about confrontation, not confrontation. Why? Because with the confrontation we would start to ask ourselves more and more questions and perhaps because we are able to realize that the system’s reforms are not useful, so we would deduct that the system would have to change radically.
On either side we can see the constancy of the eclectic discourse. At the same time as they speak of sovereignty, republic and independence, they seek to improve the state of Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. It is not a matter of simple faults or different ways of expressing the same thing, as everything is well calculated. The same is true when they say that in future there will be prisoners (we call them Basque political prisoners). Have we understood that correctly? In other words, although, out of shame, the Spanish party law is passed, enter the system and be more legalistic than anyone else, apart from those who are currently incarcerated, will we have more political prisoners in the future? Have you analyzed the situation of the future or do you want to be frightened again to justify the real political outages? Initiatives of resistance, response to repression, clear national and class positioning, etc.
Some of the people of this world that we are talking about ask: “How to undertake the cycles and how to close them?” We remember that we are already in 2019, with the coup of Social Democrats, Bureaucrats and Entregists of 2009 a strategy change began without debate, which is now being proposed. Coup (democratic?) Another small piece of evidence of what was hit is how to do things (before or after).
There are those who reflect on the departure of the Basque political prisoners, the current ones and those who will come through our activity (we must understand the activity of the EAOE). Terrible and pathetic, because from Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, the preamble to the new statute signed with the Basque and Spanish bourgeoisie leads us to a more serious contradiction. Who on the EAOE says there will be a practice that generates prisoners? This has two considerations, particularly in the run-up to the elections: one, because, after the lines have been tightened, it seems that there will be more Basque political prisoners, but now we have what we owe; the other, and, at the same time, although paradoxically, it is well calculated, it is a question of continuing to stir up fear.
Finally, to say that it is an insult, that after the two discussions of the EAOE’s ‘abian’ process, there is talk about what can be done with so many prisoners, knowing that the prisoners of today were told long ago to adhere to enemy law and seek life on their own.
Unfortunately, it is clear that in the future there will be Basque political prisoners, yet they will emerge from the class struggle in all their parties and from the struggle for the Basque Socialist State.
Note: Of course! We maintain an active and revolutionary abstention attitude for the entire electoral cycle, despite the fact that on 28 April terrorist/enabling messages emerge “victorious”. There are no peaceful ways of building the Basque Socialist State, nor solutions through the class treaties we are dealing with and exploiting.
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