We've put ourselves on our sites, two meters away and with the mask on. Seeing that the screening, which was going to start at 19:00 hours, has been delayed for almost half an hour, I remembered that “punctuality is one of the pillars of revolutionary ethics”, which a few days ago was put out in the street by one of the speakers of the film. Well, if you deserve it, we'll forgive you.
The prison in Pamplona was home to so many young inmates in the 1990s and as soon as he learned that one of the injunctions had the possibility of taking the camera and recording some of his latest images. That would be the starting point for the film to be projected over the next eight years. They sentenced to two years, four months and one day in prison the young people who learned to die and did not want to “be hurt” after planting for the Grade 3 penalty. A firefighter, a musician, a professor, a land-related activist and two journalists are the protagonists of the story, six people who, along with many other young people, fought for input. The documentary includes voice recordings inside the 25-year-old cell, photographs of the cold strike taken as a reference by the members of the anger and testimonies of the environment. The film goes beyond the words of the mouths of these six friends: it shows the enormous importance that women – not only those who were mothers or couples – had in a plural movement, and the shared basis that the struggle of insubordination has with other current struggles such as feminism or food sovereignty. Garro has been able to fill the story with humor and emotion, taking the story to the extent necessary and compaginating it properly.
One of the uncompromising proposals is to put non-violent civil disobedience at the forefront of this country, after finding that it was the basis of a victory that was not sufficiently celebrated. One of the protagonists of Twitter has written the reason: "A counting people will never die." A little bird has told me that the premiere will be in Pamplona and considering that we are in half-capacity times… Hurry up!
Ah! And quiet, even if it starts late, it is worth it, really…
Pantailak Euskarazek eta Hizkuntz Eskubideen Behatokiak aurkeztu dituzte datu "kezkagarriak". Euskaraz eskaini diren estreinaldi kopurua ez dela %1,6ra iritsi ondorioztatu dute. Erakunde publikoei eskatu diete "herritar guztien hizkuntza eskubideak" zinemetan ere... [+]
Geroz eta ekoizpen gehiagok baliatzen dituzte teknologia berriak, izan plano orokor eta jendetsuak figurante bidez egitea aurrezteko, izan efektu bereziak are azkarrago egiteko. Azken urtean, dena den, Euskal Herriko zine-aretoak gehien bete dituztenetako bi pelikulek adimen... [+]
Otsailaren 24tik eta martxoaren 1era bitartean, astebetez 60 lan proiektatuko dituzte Punto de Vista zinema dokumentalaren jaialdian. Hamar film luze eta zazpi labur lehiatuko dira Sail Ofizialean; tartean mundu mailako lau estreinaldi eta Maddi Barber eta Marina Lameiro... [+]
A conference for architects has just been held in Madrid to discuss the crisis of the professional architect. They have distinguished the traditional and contemporary way of being an architect. What is traditional? From the epic architect who appears in The Brutalist, where... [+]
Itoiz, udako sesioak filma estreinatu dute zinema aretoetan. Juan Carlos Perez taldekidearen hitz eta doinuak biltzen ditu Larraitz Zuazo, Zuri Goikoetxea eta Ainhoa Andrakaren filmak. Haiekin mintzatu gara Metropoli Foralean.