In Chile, the way has been set in motion to recast the 1980 Constitution and establish a new Constitution. The government and opposition of the president, Sebastián Piñera, have agreed to hold a referendum by making the new constitution available to the public.
The referendum will have two main axes, according to several media reports. On the one hand, the citizens will have to answer whether or not they want this new Constitution. On the other hand, if you answer yes to the previous question, what kind of constitution you would like to complete.
The president of the Chilean Senate, Jaime Quintana, has stated on Twitter that “for the first time Chile will have a 100% democratic Constitution” after the referendum. The citizens’ protests have lasted for four weeks in the streets of the Biscay capital. Serious disturbances have occurred and 22 people have been killed by police and armies, including allegations of torture and sexual assault, the Police has reported.
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