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Door opening keys to solution

  • Numerous social, political, trade union and private actors have joined the Citizens' Network to end the violation of rights suffered by Basque political prisoners. On 13 January they call to take the streets of Bilbao.

23 October 2023 - 10:51
Last updated: 12:13
Sarek egindako agerraldia Gernikan // Argazkia: Sare Herritarra
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

On Sunday in Gernika (Bizkaia), Sare presented the manifesto 'Keys to Solution', with the help of various agents of Basque society. They call for a solution to the issue of Basque prisoners, refugees and deportees and for the need for respect, protection and solidarity to be asserted for all victims of all violence. They call on the Basque society to fill the streets of Bilbao on January 13 to “continue to advance towards coexistence”.

“The exception is still a lock, the door home is still closed,” says the manifesto presented in this dynamic. According to the manifesto, they have not yet been able to definitively close the door of the past. The rights of Basque prisoners continue to be violated, “leaving behind the objective of fair treatment for all victims”. Although they have acknowledged that both the suspension of the armed struggle by ETA and the end of the isolation and removal policies imposed on Basque prisoners have taken “firm steps”.

In this sense, it was found in the appearance that society has been working “on opening doors for coexistence”, with many keys in hand, “constructively structuring relations, consensus and discrepancies between people and agents”. This confirms Sare, who with the operation of the keys must ignite and advance the engine of society. Putting motorcycles on the streets, in the political, trade union and social spheres, “to open the doors to the future we want as a society after so many years of confrontation”. To this end, he stressed the need to “have a key that opens the door to the prisoners’ house”.

Filling the streets of Bilbao

In the words of the spokesman for the Bego Atxa Network, the attitude of the judges and prosecutors of the Spanish National Court is “far from the objective of a fair prison policy”. It even denounces that it clashes with the criteria of the prison treatment commissions and the Basque Government: “75% of the grade progressions approved by the Basque Government have been appealed by the Prosecutor’s Office and many prisoners have had to return to jail and second grade.” They have often reported that this has led to “notorious stress situations” in inmates.

In the words of the signatories of the manifesto, the people must begin the way to build a “future in which coexistence is sustained”, repeating on 13 January the streets of Bilbao: “Let’s flush the streets with a key for the solution.”

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