The World Health Organization (WHO) declared last day 14 a state of health emergency due to the sharp outbreak and expansion of the baztanga monkey in various parts of Africa, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo and, although to a lesser extent, also in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda. There have been tens of thousands of cases of male violence on the continent, and there have also been many deaths from this cause. In the Congo alone, 570; of these, some 480 children, according to Unicef, and many under the age of 5, add up to one of the highest mortality rates. According to the NGO, the current variant of the Baztanese monkey is spreading more than ever among boys and girls. It has therefore called for the need to be ensured for their physical and mental integrity.
Since the declaration of a state of emergency by the WHO, Europe and the West in general have joined an internal debate in which, out of fear of another pandemic, it is discussed whether borders are closed or not and whether or not there is widespread vaccination, what measures to take. That's where the focus has been, even though the real focus, the warm need, is in Africa.
Congo: "Bring vaccines."
WHO has asked countries affected by smallpox or mpox to design and implement a vaccination plan on day 19 at a public hearing. The request is therefore addressed to Africa. Especially, Congo. And the Minister of Health of the Congo, Samuel Roger Kamba, doesn't say: In addition, it has asked the West to vaccinate "for the sake of humanity around the world." Apparently, by the time he said this, the AFP agency reported that the Congolese Government had already made contacts; Japan has promised it 3.5 million doses next week and the US. "We have a strategic plan that no one thinks is not the case; what we hope is that the vaccines will arrive now," said the minister, according to France 24.
The vaccine, however, is not for everyone. There are for people over 18 and also for children. Those in the European Union are for adults, although it is expected that adolescents will be placed in a crisis situation. All of these 3.5 million doses to be provided by Japan, for example, are expected to be targeted at children. Today, according to data provided by the African Center for Disease Prevention and Control, there are about 200,000 doses available on the continent, and at least ten million doses to address the current crisis with guarantees. I mean, Africa needs 50 times more doses. What Japan and the United States have announced, therefore, is not going to be enough.
The Congolese Minister of Health recalled that the West did not act well in the global outbreak of Baztans mono that took place in 2022. In his opinion, vaccines did not reach the continent sufficiently and quickly, despite the fact that they had "considerable excess" in Europe and the United States.
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