With 327 votes in favour, the bill tabled by the Labour party on Wednesday has moved forward, which will force Johnson to reach an agreement with the European Union, closing the doors to hard unagreed Brexit. A motion to debate the draft law was adopted in the House on Tuesday and, as was the vote, was expected to be adopted today.
Johnson once again attacks the opposition and the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn: “The law it has passed is a surrender to the European Union and does not want the people to accept it. He's scared. He is afraid,” said the British Prime Minister. Johnson, who also accuses him of being a friend of Caracas (Venezuela), has said that Labour’s economic measures are “old shit and a failure.”
On Tuesday, Johnson threatened to call early elections as the polls increased, but Parliament has also managed to block it. The Prime Minister recorded this Wednesday in Parliament the request for an electoral advance, but he achieved only 298 votes in favour, forcing him to put forward a proposal that needed 434 votes in favour.
Brussels is afraid
Despite the adoption of a law that prevents Brexit without an agreement, the European Union is preparing for a possible exit from the United Kingdom without an agreement. That is why Juncker said that the European Commission is going to allocate EUR 780 million to businesses and citizens to try to "calm" the economic problems that a "hard" exit can cause to the EU.
Europako Batasuna 1993an sortu zenetik kide berriak gehitu dira bata bestearen atzetik. Joan den ostiralera arte 28 estatuk osatu dute makro-egitura politiko eta ekonomiko hori. Izan ere, urtarrilaren 31 historiara pasako da, EBk izan duen lehen zatiketaren eguna izan delako... [+]
Otsailaren lehenean bereizi dira Erresuma Batua eta Europar Batasuna.