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Digital Colony

  • Many academic texts are produced, but few currently address technological and social issues. English Fake Sovereignty: From Privatising the Nation-State to Becoming a Digital Colony’ and therefore it is worth devoting at least a superficial look to what has been said there.
Argazkia. Unsplash / NASA

13 February 2024 - 06:54
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Cancela and Goikoetxea argue that the strategy of digital sovereignty in the Spanish State has not allowed the consolidation of technological autonomy, but to privatize the sovereignty of the country and centralize the State.

In the text, cooperation with the gigantic American technologies has made the country a ‘digital colony’. They criticize the economic, technological and militarization dependence of the Spanish State. Dependent on foreign investment, disguised as a narrative of sovereignty, it launches a dynamic of de-democratization that frustrates the development of alternative local and regional initiatives.

These dynamics only favor the interests of the elites of popular and national sovereignty and the alliance of foreign capital, increasing internal inequalities and reducing the capacity for self-government and self-determination.

The Spanish State’s digital sovereignty strategy has become a digital colony, subordinating sovereignty to the interests of elites

They allow us to reflect on the issues raised: the first, the perversion and use of the term digital (and technological) sovereignty, the second, the technological deepening of privatization, the third, the leap to militarization, the fourth, the reduction of the possibilities of emancipation of oppressed nations and peoples.

It has so far been customary for States, in their military decisions, to seek the greatest possible degree of sovereignty. France took a different path, choosing free software to gain digital sovereignty in the army and in public administration. This path now adopted is also affecting (positive) education, etc.

Conversion into a digital colony is nothing more than an attempt to keep hands tied in the digital realm, but in this case it highlights the centrality acquired by militarization. The decisions taken are not only dubious, they seek alignment in the western military bloc based on the technological dependence of the United States.

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