The City of Estella has voted in today’s plenary the motion of censure against Gonzalo Fuentes de Navarra Suma and appointed Koldo Leoz mayor. Leoz will have the stick until March 1, 2022, and then will be taken by Councilor Jorge Crespo.
Leoz has received the support of the majority of the City Hall in the plenary of the Lower House. In particular, it received the vote of nine of the 17 councillors: That of the six councillors of EH Bildu, of its group, that of the two councillors expelled from the SNP for supporting the motion of censure and that of Geroa Bai.
A plenary session was held in which protective measures were taken and in which Navarre Suma did not participate.
Txosnen eledun Eider Castañedaren hitzetan, Marta Ruiz de Alda alkate erregionalistak "autogestioarekin, jai herrikoiekin, euskararekin, feminismoarekin zerikusia duen espazio oro debekatu nahi du".