Universities and sports institutions in six European countries have carried out the EC study CASES (European statistics on child abuse in sport). In the Spanish state, these specific questions have been asked about the five types of gender violence to 1,472 athletes. They are between 18 and 30 years old, but they have been asked to respond to the experiences they have had in their childhood and adolescence, whether or not they have suffered this particular situation. Of these people, 1,149 have suffered some form of violence (78%) and psychological violence is the worst. The ranking of the most frequent violence in sport can be as follows:
1.-They did not congratulate me on my efforts and achievements: A total of 42.3% of the respondents answered that they had suffered it.
2.-They humiliated me or made me feel less: 38%.
3.-They ignored me or excluded me: 36.5%.
4.-They criticized my appearance, including weight, clothing or body shape: 32.6%.
5. They shouted at me, insulted me, threatened me or persecuted me by word. 24.2%.
6. I was demanded, or ordered, or forced to surrender to a very high degree, when I was unrealistic: 22.7%.
7.-I was screamed or threatened by my performance or did not want to train/act/play: 21%.
8.-I was driven out of the group or threatened with it because of a subject that had nothing to do with my performance and attitude or for a reason that did not explain me well: 12.2%.
9.-To humiliate or belittle those who had forced me to participate in the initiation tests: 10.5%.
1. They put me to exercise as a punishment: 29%.
2.-I received blows, slap, shocks, shocks... 17.6%.
3.-I was forced to play when I was sick or injured, with an intensity or frequency that was harmful to my health: 15.8%.
4.-I was forced to take substances to control my weight or size: 9.4%.
5.- I was forced to participate in the tests of beginners, which are physically harmful (beating, tightening the neck, drinking too much alcohol...): 8.6%.
1. I was forced to compete in unsafe conditions, extreme weather conditions, or in places where health and safety are not taken into account: 17.3%.
2.-I was not provided with the necessary equipment to perform my activity safely: 16.3%.
3.-I was not offered the necessary protection to guarantee my basic well-being: 13%.
4.-They observed me incorrectly and endangered my health: 12.8%.
5.-I did not receive proper medical care when I needed it: 11.9%.
6.-To perform other activities that led me to fail in school: 10.8%.
1.-I had inappropriate or dishonest looks: 21.7%.
2.-I heard obscene and sexual comments. For example, sexual jokes, comments about my body, insults about my virility or my femininity: 20.2%.
3.-Someone taught me the genitals, the breasts, the ass...: 13%.
4.-I was forced to watch sex images, messages or videos: 8%.
5.- I was forced to participate in the initiation tests, related to sex, but without physical contact: 7.5%.
6.-I was forced to create and share images, videos or sexual messages with others: 7.5%.
7.-Someone created or disseminated my sex images or videos: 7.3%.
8.-I was forced to undress myself and make sex games in me to delight another: 6.6%.
1. Someone kissed me or forced me to kiss another: 10%.
2.-I had genital contact with someone (including masturbation): 9%.
3.-I practiced sex basinala or anal (with an object or person): 8%.
4. Someone touched me sexually or forced me to touch me sexually: 7.6%.
5.-I was forced to participate in the initiation tests, related to sex and physical contact: 7.3%.
6.-I practiced oral sex (give or receive): 7.3%.
Gizonak ustez Ortuellako Jendea futbol taldean zuen posizioa baliatu zuen umeari argazkiak egiteko. Ertzaintzak ikerketa abiatu du eta aurretik antzerako salaketak zituela jaso dute.
Ten men have been tried at the Provincial Court of Álava from September 26 to October 3 for sexual abuse of minors cared for in the Sansoheta center of the Provincial Council of Álava. Victims have waited six years after the complaint in 2016. According to a study by the... [+]