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"The sexual assailant of the world of sport prepares victims, the family and the club in time"

  • Montse Martín is a professor of a sports career at the University of Vic of Catalonia. Organized by the University of the Basque Country, he has offered a talk in Donostia-San Sebastián on April 6. Research is being carried out at European level, in cooperation with universities and sports agents from five other European countries. This is the title of the research: Prevalence and characteristics of different violence against minors in sport. This article presents the results of the research. But beyond the numbers, Montse Martí explained the aggressor's way of proceeding: that he prepares the victim for a long time, also the family, the club and isolates him to end the attack.  

04 May 2022 - 06:00
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The 10,306 participants in the European investigation, asked about the number and type of violence they have suffered, were asked to choose the most serious episode of violence they have suffered, the one that has marked the most, and to explain it in depth. They have taken this data, as Montse Martí explained at a conference organised by the UPV/EHU:

Profile of aggressors man and club field

In 50 per cent of cases, the aggressor has been a man who has been the only one who has carried out the aggression. In 30% of cases, men and women have been jointly assaulted and in 20% of cases, the aggressor has been a woman, who has been the only author.

As far as the areas are concerned, the club is the one that suffers most from violence in all its forms. Therefore, Martí pointed out that “the greatest prevention work must be done in sports clubs”.

Breaking the social imaginary, according to data from this European study, boys suffer more violence in sport than girls, and also sexual violence. These data have been analyzed in detail in this article.

Montse Martí: "The aggressor prepares the victim, his family and his club in time"

Martí explains that the aggressor prepares his victim: "Sexual violence is not entering the dressing room, rape and leave. The process is very long and thus ensure that the victim is not going to speak. All these cases of our investigation told very mature what had happened to them in their childhood and no one was able to go to court, because the case was already prescribed.” The aggressor explained that he does a psychological job that affects the victim's self-esteem: sometimes making her feel "unique and special" through the halagos, sometimes making her feel like a void or isolating her from others so they do not escape.

The aggressor also prepares the family, as the victims are minors, so they get the family to place their trust in the aggressor. Athletes have explained that on many occasions they have suffered sexual assaults in the family home of their parents by this person from the world of sport. Asked if the family had no suspicion of it, many have answered that “no, no, they also wanted him a lot, he was a great coach for them.”

The sports environment is also prepared by the aggressor. If a minor denounce Martí, he explained that the club does not believe him, and that the coach and coach often believe in him, and if he has had good results and has charisma, even more so. “How is it possible that clubs don’t know anything about doing the things they do?” He asked the question, suggesting if clubs know it or if they look the other way. But, on the other hand, "the aggressor has many tools to give things that make the appearance of something else," he added.

One of the characteristics that the victims have pointed out to Martí is that the aggressor creates in the group an atmosphere of extremist competition, which fosters jealousy among athletes, a very toxic environment that makes when he assaults the victim completely isolated from his colleagues and goes unnoticed. “The issue of feeling elected is also repeated many times among the victims,” says Martí.

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