The ikastola de Ibarra, which this year hosted the Kilometroak festival, has prepared four spaces. Following the work carried out in recent years to rethink the holiday model, this year has been characterized by the lack of "thematic" distribution or "by age" of spaces and by the possibility of enjoying music and gastronomy in all of them. Mikel Egibar, General Coordinator of Kilometroak, was very pleased with the festival held in Ibarra: "The party based on the new model we wanted to organize at Amasa-Villabona-Zizurkil in 2020 because of the pandemic was not quite that way. Today, on the contrary, we have been right.”
The organizers of the Kilometroak party have pointed out that "there were a good number of young people, but there was no trace of an old 'kiloliter'. This impression was reinforced by the lack of participation of the emergency team." “I think it’s key to put an end to the usual spaces and mobilize people. I've seen people together: families, young people and adults -- everybody. It was precisely what I expected to see today,” said Usue Sukia, one of the chiefs of the ikastola de Ibarra, during the reception work.
A space called "creativity", in which workshops have been held, a sculptural exhibition and the possibility of practicing bertsos and acrobatics circenses.
They also set up the "magic forest" next to the pediment: Throughout the day, 30 shifts took place and special characters greeted the attendees, then they enjoyed stories, fantasy and imagination.
There was a wide range of games and games: climbing, trial bike circuit, inflatables, free games... and the Challenge that has taken place in the last Kilometers, in which 19 ikastolas of Gipuzkoa participated (a total of 300 young people). The house team won the challenge and he took the 1,000 euros at stake. The second and third positions have been shared, as the ikastolas Arizmendi and Orereta have tied and split between the two 500 and 300 euros.
There was a broad musical offer, but not concentrated in a space. After the meal, the Gabezin group played at the ikastola, Andoni Ollokiegi put music on Azkue Square, Nikotina put reggae rhythm on the main square and Duplex offered the last concert at Emeterio Arrese.
Gastronomy has also been taken into account by the organizers to "value local products". They prepared a paella for 800 people and the Lumagorri chicken, and in the town square the bell pepper, closely linked to the town of Ibarra, took place.
The following are the chronicles, photographs and articles produced by the Tolosaldea Portal on the occasion of the Ibarra Kilometroak festival.
Infinitu irribarra egitasmoa aurkeztu dute aurtengo Kilometroak Ikastolen aldeko festaren berrikuntza gisa: irribarrez ateratako argazkiak webgunera igotzera animatu dituzte herritarrak, irribarreen mapa bat osatzeko. Ibarran ospatuko den jaiari atxikimendua emateaz gain,... [+]
Antolatzaileak oso pozik agertu dira igandean Oñatin Kilometroak Jaiak eman duenarekin: "Egun biribila izan da, bikaina". Eta bertaratu diren guztiei eta eguna arrakastatsua izan zedin lan egin duten boluntario guztiei esker ona adierazi diete.
Kilometroak'16 ospatuko dute igandean Bergaran, Aranzadi ikastolaren eskutik, Demasa lelopean. Gipuzkoako ikastolen jaialdiak 40. edizioa izango du aurtengoa.