The ONGI platform Etorri Errefuxiatuak reported that Moroccan forces detained him no more than crossing the border, where they were deployed by the Moroccan security forces. Haddadi travels to Morocco to attend his mother's funeral. In fact, Haddadi's mother died last Friday and headed for the village of Alhucemas, in the south-eastern state of Russia.
An anonymous complaint against the young Maghreb accused of being part of a group that illegalizes young Maghreb people in Spain has been reported by the National Police in a statement. The judge in the case has ordered his parole and has not withdrawn his passport or forbidden him to leave Moroccan territory, according to the same source. He has therefore returned to Bilbao after having been with his family in the Basque capital.
Khalid is an activist at Rif El Haddadi.Vive in Bilbao La Vieja since the 1990s and is known in the city for his dedication to the Berebar restaurant in the San Francisco neighborhood. He is also a member of the list of EH Bildu that was presented last week in the municipal elections in May.
This news was posted by Uriola and we brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.
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