Over 50 groups and soloists and over 70 activities: the Tradicionàrius festival that is held in Barcelona at the beginning of the year is an inescapable event for folk fans of the Catalan countries. However, one of the protagonists of the concert that will open this year’s edition is a musician from Euskal Herria: Kepa Junkera. The festival wanted to pay tribute to the trikitilari of Bilbao, following the stroke he suffered in December 2018.
“Kepa is a great friend, has long been collaborating with us and we wanted to acknowledge it,” explained the newspaper Ara Jordi Fàbregas, organizer of the festival. Junkera has also said that he would like to be at the festival, but that it will not be possible. “Your music will be there,” added Fàbregas.
Several Catalan musicians will participate in the show Kepa Aurrera, most of them collaborators of Junkera. In addition, in the second part of the show, the Gaiztca Project band, which brings together the musical traditions of the Basque Country, Galicia and Catalonia, will take the lead.
In addition, the festival has also organised an exhibition with photographs of photographer Josep Tomàs about Junkera.
Kepa Junkera musikaria Belgikako ospitale batean dago, joan den asteazkenean iktus bat jasan ondoren. Ebakuntza egin zioten eta ingresatuta dago, EITBk informatu duenez.
Eleuterio bera zen festa liburua aurkeztu dute Asteasun; trikitia, lagunak eta senideak elkartu dira, Eleuterio Tapiaren argitalpenaren aitzakian.