The photo accompanying this news is in full use on mobile phones in the last few hours. A spectacular image, certainly the most spectacular of what has been seen so far. In the photo you have the Zubieta incinerator, the smoke column that comes from the incinerator. The largest column of smoke that has been seen so far, which has been poured out this very Saturday, 21 December. The photo clarifies everything that needs to be clarified, no need for any other mention.
Underway on 3 March
Remember that the Zubieta incinerator has been in testing since 28 November. The Gipuzkoa Waste Consortium (GHK) reported earlier this week that the incinerator and the other infrastructure above Zubieta will be launched on 3 March. It will be later than planned. They needed it by December. At the meeting on Monday, the consortium chaired by the PNV and the PSE approved an extension of the deadline for the implementation of the works in the first phase.
"Before taking the decision, GHK has opened an information dossier to analyse the reasons for this delay, alleged by the concessionary Ekondakin, which has not been submitted. On the basis of the technical reports requested, it is noted that the weather conditions between November 2017 and July 2018 caused a justified delay of five months, which has been caused by causes not attributable to the concessionaire. With the approved extension, the dealership is committed to keeping the CMG in place by March 3," according to GHK.
It has also been heard.
In addition to smoke, noise has been heard in the incinerator's testing phase in recent days, due to the water vapor circuit tests announced from the GHK.