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Black smoke in Sabin Etxea

27 October 2023 - 09:52
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

It has been more than four decades since the Abertzale left met in the structures of the Local Union, and today opinion makers fear that in Madrid the PSOE will be ready to take the necessary steps and in 1998 something similar to the Stormont agreements, which say it can be an objective.

They also publicly ask – in order to arouse fear in the surroundings – whether Mr Pedro Sánchez’s PSOE would get the “picture” he so dreamed of, how long the PNV and EH Bildu would take to raise self-determination in the new scenario, with a much broader majority than the current one, and that the constitutional bloc is “fragile”.

These are the reasons that drive their new PP and VOX acholites that have assumed the obligation to perpetuate Spain in Franco. Perhaps that is why the packages are crumbling, seeing how the “roadmap” of those who aim to redefine the Spanish state in the medium term is known.

I think there is another question, which they do not dare to ask, and which would show that ‘supposedly’ democratic managers are making intrusism. They have been unable to overcome selectivity for 40 years.

The question they would have to ask is, what situation would we be in Euskal Herria today if the French and Spanish states, trying to erase the Abertzale left, had not constantly breached their Constitution?

If the Franco right-wing Ultra has grown with some strength, of course driven by the direction of the PP, and giving face – I believe – to the famous political corpses of different origins, it has occurred because the movements of the PSOE have been appropriate for it.

The management of the PNV has other priorities, therefore, some agents that have been needed to date, perhaps not so convenient.

Not everyone will agree with this statement, OK, but this basis, the natural right of Spanish nationalism, is essential to move away from the ultra positionings within the PSOE to meet its main objective. That is, renew the rental of Moncloa.

If we look closely at the movements, presences and absences of the Gasteiz area, and recognise the veracity of the leaks from the technical and advisory environment of Lehendakaritza, which are normally well informed, it can be said that Mr Urkullu’s stay in Ajuria Enea is about to expire.

It's not hard to understand the cause. The arithmetic reality expressed in the Gasteiz Parliament as “active” obliges the PNV leadership to establish corrective elements in ensuring the “viability” of the heavy structure of its party company.

These PNV movements are not new or surprising. Remember, if not, the situations experienced by the previous presidents. Mr Garaikoetxea and Mr Ardantza know this very well. Memorable, the latter, how his party “moved away” from the Treaty of Estella for well-known reasons.

Today there may be a similar situation, because it is not Mr Urkullu who carries a long rowing on the PNV’s trainee, although in recent years he has played his main role.

In PNV, the pattern is EBB and it seems that it has put the bow in another beacon. And, in this beacon, the leadership of the PNV has other priorities, so some agents that have been needed to date may not be so convenient.

In this situation, the concept of generational amnesia is important to understand the conflicting conceptions “NIP in the world”. Faced with the political movements that are taking part in the new generations that are gaining power at the moment.

In view of what they say, and above all what they are doing, I would say that this new generation has taken note of the philosopher George Santayana: “Those who don’t remember the past are doomed to repeat that past,” he said.

I could recognize that the evolutionary society that we form the Basques is not particularly accelerated and does not have too much tendency to join the wave of changes that are carried from one end to the other.

In any case, the lack of interest in the past of this new Jelkide generation is not seen to be replaced by interest in the future, and this is very serious. Considering the current moment, without forgetting that the active subject of any possible movement is only the Basque Country.

The result is obvious. Apparently, so many things are happening where people have lost hope of understanding and, even more, of predicting what might come. This leads us to the conclusion that if both the past and the future are out of knowledge, only the present remains.

That is their false and malicious message. Because the PNV is committed to generational continuity in the world, that is, they do and address the same as the previous one.

The next central act is approaching. Over time and with the latest touches. They will soon complete the moving movements of the furniture and later gather the fabric of the theater. In the center is a long table, surrounded by stylish upholstered chairs. Therefore, within a few months, the actors will enter the stage. Unfortunately, some will not bring the script well learned, but fortunately there are still reminders that remain “saved”.

There would be a disaster if, despite the two attempts for the stage director to thrive, the work had to be suspended. Why and because the principal actor has planted, giving up the interpretation.

Who will fight the black smoke in Sabin Etxea?

Josu Iraeta, writer

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