Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The warrior for a just cause dies

  • The death of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar last Wednesday will be remembered as a significant victory for the anti-terrorist resistance.

Yahya Sinwar, larri zaurituta, droneari begira.

21 October 2024 - 11:15
Last updated: 22:24

Sinwar's death was announced by the army and the defense minister of the "Zionist organization", and not by Prime Minister Netanyahu. This shows obvious disagreement between them.

Thus describes Times of Israel his death:

It was not they who attacked directly, and only the soldiers realized that one of the three terrorists killed was apparently Sinwar, when on Thursday morning they analyzed the scene...

When three terrorists were seized, they were shot. Two of the wounded entered a building and the third, Sinwar, in another, according to the military. The other two terrorists were apparently bodyguards from Sinwar, and they moved ahead of him to make way for him. The Israeli Army (IDF) and other Israeli forces fired at the two buildings in the centre of the capital.

Sinwar got on the second floor. A tank fired again at the building and an infantry platoon came to pick it up. Sinwar threw them two grenades and one exploded. The soldiers were forced to retire and sent a drone to meet him in the room. The man, Sinwar, with his wounded arm and his face covered, found a man who threw a stick at the drone. A tank shot the building again and killed it.

On Thursday morning, soldiers looked at the building where the drone discovered the face of the terrorist and realized it looked like Sinwar. The Israeli Security Agency, Shin Bet, took the DNA and part of the finger to verify its identity. He was not kidnapped with Sinwar.

IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari said at a press conference on Thursday night that when the military identified him they did not know it was Sinwar. "We shot the building and went to look for it. We found it with a bulletproof vest, a pistol and 40,000 NIS [10,000 euros].”


Sinwar had just contacted the intermediaries to negotiate the freedom and ceasefire of the kidnapped after several weeks of silence, so he began to speculate about his possible death in an attack in Gaza.

The military made known the video received by the drone, as well as the videos and photographs taken by the military after the discovery of Sinwar dead.

The images of the drone confirm the above description. The publication is particularly significant. Comments below:

jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill - 20:50 UTC · Oct 17, 2024

"For a year, Israel has described Sinwar as a coward surrounded by hostages, hidden in tunnels, surrounded by hostages, among other things. And they will continue to be portrayed. But the details they have published are going to reinforce the image of the person who has fought to the end in Israel."


Marwa Osman || @Marwa__Osman - 3:55 UTC · Oct 18, 2024

"The Israeli genocidal psychopaths revealed the last moments of the martyr al-Sinwar's life, and in this way they hoped to hit the morale of resistance. Who had been the crazy person who advised them to do it?

Turning his back to the camera, with his keffiyeh scarf, he throws the stick – like a modern Hanzala. Hurt, alone, fights to the last breath. Like Palestine.

This shooting has made al-Sinwar a new Palestinian icon, filling our hearts with pride and dignity."


Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah - 22:19 UTC · Oct 17, 2024

"The greatest gift my enemy can give me is to kill me. I leave my martyrdom in the hands of God. I am 59 years old and I prefer to be martyred by an F-16 or rockets before I die by coronavirus or by a heart attack... I prefer to die martyr" - Yahya Sinwar in 2021. Video here.


Hind Hassan @HryNews - 20:06 UTC · Oct 17, 2024

"This was my conversation with Sinwar. It's your last interview with the camera. Everyone said he was hiding behind Israel's bombing to kill him for eleven days in 2021. We found him on foot in the street, stopped him and asked for an interview. Here's the video.


Sinwar's death does not end with resistance:

Helena Cobban @helenacobban - 23:54 UTC · Oct 17, 2024

"I am old enough to recall the 2003-2004 Israeli massacre, in which Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, Abdel-Aziz Rantisi, Ismail Abushanab and many other #Hamas leaders were murdered.. and they always imagined that they had “solved” the problem of Palestinian resistance for the wild colony of their agites...."

And meanwhile, the war continues.

Five soldiers killed and wounded in fighting with Hezbollah in southern Lebanon - Times of Israel


Hala Jaber @MediaJaber - 22:43 UTC · Oct 17, 2024

IMPORTANT: It seems that a new phase starts soon in Lebanon.

“Based on the guidelines of resistance leadership, the Islamic Resistance Operations Room has announced that the escalation of confrontation with Israel’s enemy will lead to a transition to another phase, which will be discussed in the coming days.”

Resting Yahya Sinwar

* Moon of Alabama is a blog specializing in geopolitics and its author signs the articles under the pseudonym 'b'. Here's the original article.

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