The ecologist organization Eguzki has denounced that these small sharks "have been returned to the sea before being caught after being caught by a boat, killed but without proper measures or for their little commercial interest." Although this practice is not sustainable, Eguzki has denounced that it is absolutely common.
Two years ago he noticed a similar case at the mouth of the port of Pasaia, revealed by Diving Donostia. Then they also found hundreds of cats dead.
Arrantza handi eta industriala defizitarioagoa da sozialki, ekonomikoki eta ekologikoki arrantza txikiaren alboan; arrantza txikiak baino dirulaguntza publiko dezente gehiago jasotzen ditu; eta are, soilik laguntza horiei esker bizirauten du. Horixe erakutsi du Frantziako... [+]