The immersion model, stabilized in Catalonia, with a broad social and political consensus, has received a new attack: the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia has remained for fifteen days to enforce the order that 25% of the school hours be in Spanish in all centers. The Generalitat replied that he would appeal within five days. The Minister of Education has asked for the greatest political, social and pedagogical consensus before that of Zaplasta.
The counselor wanted to send a message of tranquillity to the centres, asking that nothing be changed. He adds that the Court has gone beyond its remit and issued an "aberrant" ruling. Moreover, through the new decree being elaborated by the Generalitat, the counselor explained that the presence of Catalan in schools will be greater, since “language learning is not a matter of percentage, but of pedagogy, and the objective is that at the end of Secondary Education students have sufficient knowledge of the Catalan, Spanish and English languages”.
“Enough, stop the judicialization of education”
In the same vein, Pere Aragonès, President of the Generalitat, spoke. He has called for unity to defend the linguistic model of Catalan schools and wanted to make it clear that they will support the directions of the schools that defend this model. The immersion model is shown as “pedagogically effective and socially inclusive. Enough, stop the judicialization of education”.
The Catalan linguist Carme Junyent died last September. We have followed closely what he said about language policy here, hoping that we will ever dare to implement some of his proposals. I was behaving without burnings. Many examples have been gathered in this journal: ARGIA... [+]
Frantsesa da nagusi, frantses instituzioetan. Haatik, urtez urte, erakunde publikoetan ere lekua egiten hasi dira euskara, korsikera edota bretoiera. Hemen, horren adibide ditugu, Ortzaizeko, Urruñako, Hendaiako edota Urepeleko herriko kontseiluak, baita Hirigune Elkargoa... [+]