PP, Vox and Citizens filed appeals against pardons, among others. In the beginning, the third chamber of the Supreme decided not to admit to the proceedings on the grounds that they “lacked legitimacy”. In the new resolution that was known yesterday, on the contrary, the court has decided to change its opinion and to study the appeals.
During the time that the Supreme has changed its mind, two of the five judges in the third chamber have been renovated: before there were three judges from the ‘conservative’ line and the two ‘progressive’ line, now it is the reverse. The new resolution has been adopted with three votes in favour and two against, and the two opposed judges have submitted separate votes.
Reactions in Catalonia
The decision of the Supreme has provoked a series of reactions in Catalonia. PSC spokeswoman Alicia Romero said that the Government of Spain is “quiet” and that the PSC “expects” that the pardon does not go to prison bueltatzea.Carme Forcadell has spoken in Catalunya Ràdio. He explains that his lawyers have assured him that the pardon is well argued and that there is no setback, but that there is no faith with the Supreme: “[From the Supreme] We expect anything and have reason for it, we hope not to go back, but we always live on the sword of Damocles. Repression continues because our struggle continues.”
Abokatua, aktibista soziala eta Espainiako Kongresuko diputatua da Jaume Asens (Bartzelona, 1972). Urtarrilaz geroztik, Pablo Iglesias ordezkatu du Unidas Podemos talde parlamentario konfederalaren presidentetzan. Abokatu gisa, giza eskubideen eta mugimendu sozialen defentsak... [+]