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Who least recycles in the Catalan city of Manlleu will pay more

  • Manlleu is one of the many municipalities that have implemented in Catalonia the Puerta a Puerta for the collection of waste, one of the largest with its 20,000 inhabitants. After reaching 82% in the selective collection thanks to the Puerta a Puerta, the City Hall will set in motion a new step, establishing an innate payment, with which the most separated waste will be those that least reject, and those that least recycle will pay.

13 February 2023 - 00:38
Last updated: 06:36
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Manlleu, ERC Mayor Alex Garrido i Serra (20,800 inhabitants), set door-to-door collection three months ago, and municipal officials have acknowledged that the results of the system have exceeded the most optimistic estimates: improving 10 points of hit to reach 82.5% of selective collection. Not only does the result not only improve quantitatively, it also gains in the quality of the waste collected: in organic, for example, dirt does not exceed 0.6%, that is, the Door-to-Door collection is much cleaner and therefore more usable than the collection with large street containers. In view of these developments, the Manlleu City Hall has decided to take a new step and the unaccrued rate will be set in November of this year.

In this collection system, which in the Basque Country alone has Usurbil, rejection collection buckets are controlled with electrocteronic chip or APP, and this data is determinant when deciding the rate to pay for each family: if the waste rate is the same for everyone in most places, in the non-generated payment half the rate is fixed, the same for everyone, and the other half depends on the family. In this way, the family is rewarded for the best separation of waste by matter and for the least it does, reducing or increasing the annual rate of waste.

The municipal authority of Manlleu presents the implementation of door-to-door waste collection in November 2022. Downtown, Mayor Alex Garrido i Serra. Photo: City Hall of Manlleu.

Although in Catalonia there are more than 300 municipalities that perform the Puerta a Puerta, only seven have established a payment system depending on the rejection generated. However, the objective of ARC, the Waste Agency of Catalonia, of the Generalitat, is to expand this system and this year other municipalities will take the same step, as Gerard Vilà, the digital journal Was born on February 9. ARC Director Isaac Peraire has pointed out that they want the Manlleun system to work well, taking the same step to encourage many other peoples in Catalonia. ARC helps the City Hall to finance the purchase of chip control cubes for rejection or APP of the phone.

The municipal authorities in the Basque Country, and not to mention the Provincial Councils or the Basque Government, should talk to the director of the ARC. So you would know, on the one hand, that the central agency of the Generalitat advises all the administrations the Puerta a Puerta, which helps them to implement it and belies corrupt myths such as “garbage tourism”: “The director of the ARC has declared that garbage tourism is really small [ridicul] and that, in addition, it will come to an end soon: ‘If a people suffer that behavior [garbage tourism]

The journalist asks the Manlleu Environmental Council, Maite Anglada, about the citizens who reject the system door to door of waste and about some conflict areas of the municipality. Anglada distinguishes between the two profiles that can be found in neighbors who do not apply door to door. One of them does not do well due to lack of knowledge and information, and Anglada says that with these neighbors they try to do a pedagogical work through the educators the City Council has put in to learn to do it well.

But there is another profile of neighbors who, despite knowing well how the Door to Door works, have decided not to do it well at will: "They are negationists," says Anglada, and with them we will have zero tolerance: they will be fined." So far, 39 sanctioning cases have been opened.

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