has highlighted the sexual discrimination suffered by women journalists in Catalonia. 54.4% of the women surveyed said they had suffered sexual harassment and 55.1% said they had suffered sexual harassment.
According to the data collected in the study, more than 80% of respondents acknowledge that they face difficulties of access, permanence and progress in the sector. Among these obstacles, the most frequent are impostor syndrome (51.8%) and low wages (50.9%). They also highlighted the low rating of talent (42.9%), schedule problems or difficulties in reconciling life and work (42%) and the high workload (38%).
Discrimination in the physical aspect is also frequent and 44.9% of women acknowledge having suffered this type of discrimination. In most cases, the origin of discrimination lies in the need to appear young, and the second most repeated cause of discrimination is the "non-compliance with certain aesthetic conditions".
The study also analyzes the discrimination suffered by women journalists in the workplace. 72.1% of the women surveyed stated that it is more frequent for men to participate in group meetings and that it is common for women to assume more workload than men. In this regard, they have explained that this prevents them from giving professional stability and making progress in the competitiveness of companies.
In addition, six out of ten women who have suffered gender-based violence in the Basque Country have denounced that they have no confidence in the reporting systems. For this reason, two out of three women who suffer sexual harassment in the journalistic sphere do not feel overwhelmed by the media in which they work. Less than half of the journalists surveyed know their media protocol and one in three knows its content.
They have also referred to the serious professional consequences resulting from the persecution that has taken place in the Basque Country. 63.2% of women journalists claim to have conducted self-censorship during persecution. That is, out of fear that they will limit their work and activity.
The results of the study reveal that the discrimination and harassment suffered by women journalists in the sector is a structural problem. They call for changes and improvements, particularly in the reliability of reporting channels, in the preparation of prevention and in the creation of more egalitarian structures.
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