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Pere Aragonès creates a new government to replace “All Catalonia”

  • On Friday, 55% of the JxC militants voted in favour of leaving the Generalitat de Catalunya and in just 48 hours President Aragonès has presented the new Member to fill the vacancies. The charges will be taken on Tuesday and the president says the new government represents 80% of the country.
Pere Aragonès Generalitateko presidenteak kontseilari berriak aurkeztu ditu. / Argazkia: RTVE.

10 October 2022 - 15:07
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

JxC is not going to be governed from now on by the Generalitat, as in their voting among militants on Thursday and Friday they have decided to leave their coalition of government with the ERC. 55% of the votes cast bet on leaving the Government of Catalonia and 42% on continuing, while 1.8% voted blank. Participation has been high: 6,465 militants voted (79%).

The President of JxC, Laura Borràs, told the press that the government of Pere Aragonès has "lost democratic legitimacy", and said that "perhaps" the president should also face a consultation of the Parliament of Catalonia, whose democratic legitimacy has also been "called into question". JxC will move from Friday to the opposition, the third parliamentary force after the CSP, and Borràs has stressed that the party wants to govern "towards independence" and that they will act "with responsibility and responsibility".

New Government

However, Pere Aragonès makes it clear from the outset that he will be in charge: “My goal as President is that what wins is the country. That’s my responsibility, and that’s why we have to keep governing.” JxCi accuses JxCi of being “irresponsible”, saying that they “have abandoned” the citizenship with the decision to leave the government coalition. The six members of JxCi left on the same Friday and in just 48 hours the president of the Generalitat has presented the new members to take their place, and the one of Jordi Puignero, dismissed on 28 September. In the words of Aragonès, they will represent “the whole of Catalonia”, the “consensus of 80% of the population”. Most are CKD and former PSC, CDC and Podem charges. The members to be appointed on Tuesday will be as follows:

Natàlia Mas i Guix, Minister for Economic Affairs and Finance.

Meritxell Serret i Aleu, Counsellor for External Action.

Joaquim Nadal i Farreras, before the PSC, Research Advisor and Universities.

Juli Fernández i Olivares, Territorial Advisor.

Manel Balcells i Díaz, Health Advisor.

Carles Campuzano i Canadés, first CDC, Social Rights Advisor.

Gemma Ubasart i González, first of Podemos, Counselor of Justice, Rights and Memory.

In addition, the current Presidency Advisor, Laura Vilagrà, will be Vice-President of the Government.

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