As a promising campaign, Enrique Maía has announced that within a few days of achieving the mayor of Pamplona will change the name to the main avenue of the city. This is indicated by a statement from the City Council of Pamplona explaining that as soon as the administrative formalities are completed, the name of the avenue will be changed. The decision was taken by Maia, who transferred it to the Board of Spokesmen of the Council this Tuesday.
On 29 April, the name of the avenue was replaced by that of Catherine de Foix. The current City Hall, however, has decided to rename the avenue with the name of Spanish Army. As indicated in the note, the road to the north of the Plaza de los Jardines del Reino de Navarra and the Archivo de Navarra will be called Katalina de Foix.
Iruñeko Txantrea auzoko kale-izendegian frankismoan errepresaliatuak izan ziren hamar emakume gogoratuko dituzte. Ekitaldia egin zuten atzo eta auzoaren hegoaldean dagoen plaza bat oroimen gune ere izendatu zuten. "Garrantzitsua da historian gertatutakoa gogoratzea;... [+]
Last autumn, at the session of 29 October, the plenary session of the Bilbaíno Council unanimously approved that the names of women were the preferred ones to the new streets, squares and infrastructures of the city. From the watchtower itself, all the municipal groups... [+]
Recently, the father of a group of savage homophobes killed by stabbing or kicking in the middle of the street, rejected the proposal of the City Council of A Coruña to bring his son’s name down a city street, after collecting 20,000 signatures in twenty-four hours. It seems... [+]
Hernaniko udalak "Andre kalea" izena itzuliko dio ofizialki larunbatean herriko kaxkoko kale nagusietako bati. Etxetik aulkiak jaitsi eta elkarrekin kalean lan eta jolas egiten zuten haiei leku egingo die izendegiak.