The Donostia Festak association has decided to recognise Maaher Abed as the winner of this year’s poster competition. He will compensate Paul Fuentes, the original designer of the image, for the damage caused. In fact, Paul Fuentes filed a plagiarism complaint.
The association has removed the images from the web and from the places where it has been able to do so and has apologized for what happened. That is, it was a plagiarism for rewarding a design and for putting a picture of a flame to the Carnivals of San Sebastian 2020.
The Jury of the Poster Competition has met in an extraordinary way to decide this issue. He apologised to the other participants in the competition and recalled that no other winner can be recognised, as only one poster is chosen per edition.
Gizakunde (Inauteriak)
Noiz: otsailaren 15ean.
Non: Arizkun eta Erratzun. plazan.
Amaitu dira inauteriak, sutan erre ditugu gaiztoak, gaizkiak, sardinak eta panpinak. Baina xomorroak esnatu dira eta badator... [+]
Lantzeko inauteri txikien kalejira ikusle guztien begietara urtero modukoa izan zen. Txatxoak, Zaldiko, Ziripot eta Miel Otxin herriko ostatuko ganbaratik jaitsi eta herritik barna bira egin zuten txistularien laguntzarekin. Askok, ordea, ez zekiten une historiko bat bizitzen... [+]
Martxoaren 2an igandea Iruinkokoak berriz ere Iruñeko karrikak hartu ditu.
We are at the gates of carnivals and carnivals. Like every year, immersed in this seasonal era that remains physically cyclical. Although it's still winter, it's when we start to smell its end.
Debates and decisions on this year's costume begin in the whatsapp groups of the crews... [+]
Urtero legez Euskal Herria Plaza eskatu du Tolosako Txosna Batzordeak, baina salatu duenez, udalak aldebakarrez erabaki du txosna gunea Plaza Berrira lekualdatzea.